Shifting to Kalos

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Ash currently returned from the Unova Region a few days ago. He's training his pokemons in the garden.

Suddenly his mother (Delia) got a call.

Delia: Hello?
??? : Hello, I'm prof. Oak

Delia: Oh hi Professor

Prof. Oak: Actually I wanted to tell that there's a College newly opened in Kalos, I think you should put Ash in that College. He could learn more about evolution of pokemon, More about different forms of them and also explore a new region and as he's going there he can also participate in Kalos league.Also having a nice knowledge about pokemons may help Ash winning the league and being the champion.

Delia: Wow!! This is a great Idea. 👍🏻👍🏻
I will talk about it with him

Prof. Oak: ok thanks, inform me after that, if he says yes then I'll send the admission forms to the College and as it's a new college it'll be a quick process I guess.

Delia: ok

Prof. Oak: Also it's very famous as it's new, so Ash could make many friends

Delia: yea that would be nice.

Prof. Oak: ok then bye

Delia: good bye

* call ended*

Delia called Ash

Delia: Ash!!!!!

Ash: yes mom?

Delia: I have a great news for ya

Ash: What's it?

Delia: *Tells everything what professor said*

Ash: oh wow!!! Seems exiting. I guess I'll go in that College.

Delia:That's awesome 😊

*Delia calls Prof that informs it*
*Prof fills up all the details needed for Ash and submits the admission form*

Skip time After a few days

when Ash was heading to Kanto Airport for going to Kalos.

Delia: *tears up a little* Take care my Son. Oh yea I almost forgot, Did you pack your toothbrush, warm clothes, underwears and don't forget to change your underwears everyday on time, eat properly and yk many more things she says blah blahhhhh blahh.............

Ash: *interrupts in the middle* *feeling totally embarrassed* M-mom Stop it everyone is listening to you and most importantly I'm not a kid anymore, i will take care of myself

Delia: yea sure bye

Announcement: Attention the Kalos Airplane is boarding in 5mins, plz get ready

Ash: okay mom i gotta go now take care

After 5mins he boards the plane

Skip time in the plane after an hour

Ash: Pikachu I'm so excited abt our new journey to kalos!!!

Pikachu: Pika pikachuuu(me tooo)

Ash: *pats Pikachu*

Pikachu: *happily makes cute sound* Pikaaaaaaaaa

Ash: awh pikachu you're so cute

Announcement: The plane is gonna land in the Kalos Airport in 15 mins
Plz get ready

Ash: Yayyyyyyy!!!!! We gonna reach Kalos soon!!!

Pikachu: Pika (yeah)

After they get out of the plane
They headed to Lumious City


Pikachu: pikaaaaaaaaa Chuuuuuu

They were just roaming around

Suddenly they got a call

Ash: Oh hey professor

Prof. Oak: Ash plz visit XXXX lab for your pokedex

Ash: sure Prof

Then he goes to that lab

Ash: Hello!!!??? Is anyone there?

??? : oh hey Ash you have came here for your pokedex right?

Ash: yea that's true but how do you know my name?

??? : I'm Prof. Sycamore, a friend of Prof. Oak he told me that you will be coming here for your pokedex

Ash: oh Nice to meet you professor

Prof. Sycamore: Here your pokedex Ash.

Ash:Thanks professor

Prof. Sycamore: Welcome back Ash and have a safe journey

Ash: btw Prof can you tell me Where's Kalos High College?

Prof. Sycamore: Sure it's near XXXXXX and you'll see XXXXXX then just take a right turn and you'll reach Kalos High

Ash: thank you professor

Ash reaches there.

Now moving to another main lead,

A girl with honey blonde hair, blue turquoise eyes, the sweetest smile in the world, a fair skin, a beautiful face, Angelic voice, with cuteness overload, a nice and a kind personality too.
She's trying very hard to be the kalos queen. She's currently a famous performer whom people admire A LOT. She almost beat Aria (current Kalos queen) but at last she didn't win, but she made to the finals though. She also has a past um... Not very sad but yea filled with troubles.

You'll get to know the past in next episode. So stay stunned 😊😊

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