The new couple

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So They both fell on each other.... First they were in a awkward silence..... They kept staring at each other blankly.....
Serena: A-a-s-h-h-y...... Um...... C-could you please stand u-up?
Ash: Oh y-y-eah
They both stood up and starting walking again......
Ash: I'm sorry i fell on you..... I was just tryna catch you from falling
Serena: It's okay..... Kinda it's my fault I'm so careless

Well then talking abt random stuffs they reach Serena's home.
Serena: Ash.... It is my home....
Ash: Alright bye then
Serena: Wait, why don't you come in and have a coffee?
Ash: uh.... Um... Sure ig
Serena: *happily* okay sure Come in
Serena: Mom see I bought a friend
Grace: Huh! Oh welcome both of you, please come in
Ash: Well my name is-
Grace: Ash Ketchum right?
Ash: yea but how do you know?
Grace: wait don't tell me you forgot....
Ash: Forgot what?
Grace: don't you remember smthg from back in Kanto pallet town Summer Camp?
Ash: huh....... Oh yeah
(Gets a flashback)
Many years ago in Kanto Pallet town
In a Summer Camp
Serena: Mom!!!! Help meeee!!!! I'm lost in the forest!!!!! Help me somebody!!!!!!
Ash: Hey polliwag where are you going? Come here!
Ash sees a honey blonde straw hat girl
SERENA: *tries to get up but falls down and starts crying*
Ash: Hey are you alright?
Serena: No, my leg hurts
Ash: don't worry try to stand up
Serena: I-I can't
Ash: um... *takes out a handkerchief from his pocket and warps it around Her leg* here now take my hand and try to Stand up. *offers his hand*
Serena: *accepts it* *finally stands up*
Serena: Thank you!
Ash: Remember * Never Give up until it's over * ok?
Serena: ok
Ash: Here lemme take you to the campsite
(Flashback ends)
Back to present

Ash: oh yeah you're that straw hat girl right?
Serena: um... Now I remember yea
Ash: No wonder why you looked so similar to somebody I knew
Serena: ya you too
Ash: *blushes cuz he had a crush on her since childhood*
Serena: *does the same*
Again awkward moment...........
Grace: Btw Ash here your coffee☕
Ash: thanks!
Serena: I-I w-a-a-n-na tell y-y-ou smthg
Ash: yea sure wut's it?
Serena: I-I l-l-ove y-y-ou!!!
Ash: huh!? I do too! Since we met in childhood
Serena: ya and finally my wish came true😊
Ash: Well, let's travel together after our graduation and you can become Kalos queen and I'll become A POKEMON MASTER
Serena: yea sure
Ash: oh yea will you become my girlfriend?
Ash: well it's getting late bye
Serena: wait! *kisses him* now byee
Ash: *stood there for a second thinking what just happened tho he felt really awesome* *shocked* *finally comes to his senses * b-bye

Okay now skip to next day in College:
Ash reached the college first:
Ash: Good morning everyone
The gang: Good morning Ash!
Soon Serena comes:
Serena:Good morning everyone! 😊
Ash: oh hey Sere
Serena: oh hey Ashy
Ash: so where's my morning kiss?
Serena: *blushes* here *kisses him*
Ash: *kisses back* that was good
The gang stood there in shock.... Lol
Dawn: What's going on?
They tell everything to them
Everyone congratulate them
The bell rings
Everyone heads to class and sits according to their seat numbers

The professor comes and starts teaching

Duhhhh it's 😑boring😑😑
Let's skip to lunch time:
Ash and Serena head to their grp and they all head to cafeteria
They all start eating and discussing abt random stuffs
When suddenly they heard an anouncement :
Everyone this is to inform you that we are going to arrange a show where you will perform with your pokemons, battle with others in a style, dress up your pokemons, answer some questions about the pokemons etc. If you win this you'll get a special "key" Like this in every round if you win you'll get three special "keys" Which will help you to enter master class and challenge the current kalos queen(Aria) and if you win from her you'll become the KALOS QUEEN. that's all I wanted to tell you if you are interested then please visit XXXXX where we'll make a selection if you get selected you can participate.


I'm just gonna end it up here. Stay stunned for the next episode.

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