U're the adopted daughter of urukudaki-san, u've met tangiro 2 years ago when nesuko became a demon. U started to get along with him and then became really close friends
Y/n:did nesuko wake up? Urukudaki :yes she did she's waiting for both of u at home Tangiro :really? (crying) I'm really happy, can we go see her Urukudaki :ofc Y/n:thank you father 😊
Tangiro and I ran home to see nesuko who standing in front of the door
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When she saw us she ran really fast and hugged us Tangiro :nesuko! Why? Why did u scare us like this, I thought I'll never see u again. Y/n:shhh, calm down I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose Urukudaki :after what I concluded she sleep to gain energy which means that she doesn't need human fleshe
<Time Skip to the day where your katanas arrived>
Hotaru :WHY IS UR KATANA BLACK AND NOT RED?! Tangiro :I don't know!
I laughed at them both running around. But then I got bored and stopped them Y/n:stop it now (to Hotaru)I am sure there is a reson why his sword is black and not red so now STFU HOTARU :ought okay. I'm going to leave u I still have other slayers who need their swords
Here's the chapter 2 I'll publish an other tonight or tomorrow but before u get to the next one here look at these
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