Chapter Six

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" a heart disease?" repeated Elena as the doctor nodded in agreement, "when you came to the hospital. i knew there was more to what happened to you so i went ahead to find out....that you have a heart disease" said the doctor. Elena pinched herself and stared at the doctor "this isn't true...this can't be happening to me' said Elena in disbelief  "if you've been fainting, having chest aches and short of breath....then you do have a heart disease" said the doctor as he gave her a paper containing her health state. "the best way to get it cured is through a surgery.....i suggest you take the surgery, you don't have much time left" said the doctor with a serious look. Nervously shaking, Elena asked "what do you mean by...i don't have much time left?" when her phone rang, she checked who it was and saw that it was Jessie  "excuse me, i have to take this" said Elena "sure" replied the doctor and Elena went out of his office to take the call. "oh my God Elena, how could you?" asked Jessie  "how could i what?" asked Elena  "what you did broke my heart....i can't believe that after more than three years of friendship, you'll still have the heart to do such a thing" said Jessie  "will you stop being dramatic and tell me what i did that offended you so much that you just had to interrupt what i'm doing by calling to confront me" said Elena  "how could you....leave without saying good morning or good bye" said Jessie, Elena couldn't believe her ears "you're telling me that the reason for interrupting the most important situation i am right now is because i didn't greet you good morning and tell you goodbye before i left?" asked Elena "yes" muttered Jessie "are you insane?!" asked Elena "what? we're living together now...the least you could do is greet me good morning....and what's so important about the situation you're in that you're so mad at me for confronting you about that painful and unbearable behavior of yours?" asked Jessie  "can we talk later....bye" said Elena and ended the call "i can not keep living like this, i have to get a new apartment" said Elena as she kept her phone in her pocket and got into the office "sorry Elena, i'm on an appointment with a person right now.....later?" asked the doctor  "ok" muttered Elena and collected the paper that the doctor had given her, she went out of the office as she walked to know the bill of the surgery. she kept looking at the paper which had her name and health status on it  and also further explained how urgent the surgery was "a...heart disease?" she asked herself as she stared in disbelief. it felt so surreal to her and she found it hard to believe it, "good morning" greeted the woman "goodmorning....em, i want to check for the bill of a heart surgery" said Elena as the woman showed her the bill "oh my holy Jesus!" she shrieked as she saw the bill "is everything okay?" asked the woman  "everything is fine....i'm totally fine,can i pay in installments?" asked Elena sure, how many months?" asked the woman  "months? i was thinking of years" she thought as she gave a weak smile "how about in em....12 months" Elena said  "that's a year?" asked the woman "yeah" replied Elena "ok"replied the woman and Elena left the hospital. "what the heck is this? i could use the money for something better, i can't have a heart disease....i'm to busy for that? said Elena a she called a cab. Jessie sat on her bed while going through Elvis social profile when an unknown number called "ugh! i'm so sick of this spam calls" said Jessie as she rejected the call but after a minute the number called again, Jessie decided to pick up "hello there stranger...will you please stop...." the person calling interrupted her "Jessie? that you?" asked the person "yes it is, now as i was saying..."  "oh my God honey, it's been how many years since i heard your voice" said the person "em.....who is this?" asked Jessie  "it's me....your mother" she replied as Jessie froze "wow, this scammer is good" thought Jessie  "nice try hon but i'm too busy right now to be scammed...can you call later, that is when i'm not stalking my crush on social media? okay thanks" said Jessie  and was about to end the call "please wait Jess...i'm not a scammer, i'm your mum.....if you're ready to meet, come find me at 124 Main street New york 10030....i'll be waiting for you" said the person and ended the call. Jessie stared at her phone screen "the person even knows my name" she said  "whatever, what was i doing again? oh yes....Elvis' summer pictures" she continued and kept scrolling through Elvis' social page. Elena came down from the cab and walked into the college building, she was walking absentmindedly and didn't know when she was about to hit someone when Elvis pulled her away  "are you okay?" he asked snapping Elena back to reality "oh yeah i'm fine " said Elena  and they walked upstairs for their lecture. "i got admission to a college in the US!" shouted Ryan in excitement "oh my Ryan...congratulations!" said Mrs Sarah  "that means you'll be seeing Elena" continued Mrs Sarah "yeah, i can't wait to see her again" replied Ryan  "what was that?" asked Mrs Sarah with a smile "nothing" replied Ryan. ".....have you seen Elvis in a bathing suit? man, he looked so hot......according to his social page he said he loves swimming, actually i hate water but he just made me see the beauty in it.....for some reasons i love guys who swim. wait, Elvis is a swimmer right?" asked Jessie, Elena sighed and looked at Jessie  "can we change the subject, talking to me about my best friend like that is making me sick" replied Elena  "okay then....hmmmm, a scammer called and told me that he or she was my mother" said Jessie  " a scammer called and said he or she was your mother" repeated Elena  "i know, it makes no sense" said Jessie  "how do you know it was a scammer that called?" asked Elena  "i believe all unknown numbers are spam numbers...if you're number isn't saved on my phone then you're a stranger" said Jessie "i'm going to bed" said Elena "wait...i need to know if Elvis is a swimmer" said Jessie as Elena closed her eyes. Except from Jessie's annoying and disturbing voice, Elena could hear the voice of the doctor and that statement  you don't have much time left  kept ringing till she fell asleep.

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