Chapter Seven

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 Weeks passed and Elena finally got a new house thanks to Jessie , Elvis wanted to help her move in but was busy with work so Jessie helped her "you didn't have to help me rent a house" said Elena as she came in with a box "but you kept complaining about how badly you want to live on your own?" asked Jessie  "yes but i could have done it on my own" said Elena "Ellie, if you have people who are willing to help you please take it that they love you...don't see it as pity" said Jessie as she brought in a box. "okay" Elena reluctantly said as she dropped a box "now where's Elvis? isn't he supposed to be here helping you?" asked Jessie  "he's busy with work" replied Elena "what? then why am i here?" asked Jessie  " help me move in?" asked Elena  "oh, right....well, would you look at the time....i should be going, love you bye" said Jessie and left "bye" waved Elena and watched Jessie drive off. Jessie was driving on the road when she had a thought in her head "wait a minute, Sam once called me with another number which makes it an unknown number to me but he wasn't a all scammers are strangers but not all strangers are scammers? which also means there is a probability that the person that called is my mum that i haven't seen over twelve years....does that make sense?" she asked herself as she drove "i really need Elena right now" she said. "remind me again why you want to have another job" said Elvis as he spoke on the phone with Elena, "the money i'm getting from my current jobs isn't enough for something I'm working on" replied Elena as she called a cab "you have more than six jobs already, what are you saving for?" asked Elvis  "something" replied Elena "Duh, i know you're saving for something...I'm asking what it is" said Elvis  "aren't you meant to be working?" asked Elena "I'm on break, now tell me" said Elvis. Elena kept quiet while wondering if she should or should not tell him "fine, if you don't want to tell me it's up to you" said Elvis and ended the call, Elena felt bad but she believed she did it for a reason...she wasn't ready to tell Elvis about it yet. "i'm starving" said Jessie as she stopped at a restaurant  and got inside "what would you love to order?" asked the waiter  "i'll have a veggie paella with a glass of soymilk" replied Jessie still looking at the menu "wow, so you're a vegan" said the waiter  "yeah, i love animals too much to eat the...." she paused as she saw who the waiter was  "must be hard living with Elena who loves meat, right?" asked Elvis with a very charming smile "keep it together Jess, don't freak out" said Jessie in her head  "actually, she moved out...we're not living together anymore" blushed Jessie   "oh ok, do you mind if we talk for a bit?" asked Elvis  "i'll go anywhere with you.....i mean sure" replied Jessie.  Elena waited at the door of the CEO of the restaurant, rumour had it that he was a very charming, dashing and highly intelligent guy but is very strict and takes his business very seriously. Elena let out an exhale "there's no need to be nervous" she thought when a girl came out of the office crying "Next" said the CEO and Elena braced herself for whatever might happen. She entered into the office and sat down, indeed the rumour about how hot he was, was totally true "name?" asked the CEO  "Elena Pepple" replied Elena  "do have experience or is this your first time?" asked the CEO  "i'm experienced" replied Elena  "okay, what got you fired from your previous job?" asked the CEO  "i wasn't fired, i decided to get another job" replied Elena  "have you heard the saying....Jack of all trade, master of none?" asked the CEO  "yep but I'm an exception" replied Elena "what makes you think that?" asked The CEO "I'm doing more than six jobs and I've been awarded Employee of the month every month and a straight A student, here's my testimonial" said Elena as he collected it and went through it "impressive" replied The CEO as he dropped the testimonial  "i know" replied Elena  "i love your confidence and i see no reason to reject're hired Elena" said the CEO and shook her hand "thank you...em, i didn't get your name" replied Elena  "it's Traden Adams" replied the CEO and gave a charming smile, Elena got up and left as he called for the next person. "i feel like she's hiding something from me...does she tell you things?" asked Elvis  "yeah sure, we're like best buds" replied Jessie  "oh ok , em....have she told you anything about her health?" asked Elvis "her health? why do you ask?" asked Jessie  "well, she's been fainting , having short of breath and...I'm just worried" replied Elvis  "if she was sick I'll know " replied Jessie  "but Elena is a very secretive person...she doesn't like sharing information about her life unless someone  asks her" said Elvis   "that's right" replied Jessie  "i just don't know why she's keeping things to herself, she doesn't like people helping her and she thinks she can make it on her own" said Elvis  "well judging from the years we've been together i am convinced that she can do anything on her own. she's strong, determined , hardworking and smart....."   "yes but she also have issues with asking for help......if she keeps carrying all her troubles on her head, I'm afraid she might lose it" said Elvis worried, Jessie stared at him sadly  "so much for having a connection" she thought  "hey, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you about Elena" said Elvis  "oh no, it's fine...she's my friend also" replied Jessie with a fake smile  "aren't you meant to be having a shoot?" asked Elvis  "I'm on my one week break" replied Jessie  "oh, you deserve's not easy to be beautiful" said Elvis and Jessie turned red "th....thanks" she stammered "i should be going, my five minutes break is almost over" he said and was about to leave when he stopped and turned back "do you want to still order anything?" he asked  "yeah sure" Jessie replied with a smile. Elena got into the house and sank in the sofa "what a day" she said when her phone rang "hello Elena" said the doctor  "oh hello doctor" replied Elena  "i called to continue our conversation" said the doctor as Elena took off her shoes  "go on" replied Elena.  "the thing is, the sooner the surgery...the better your health. Any delay of the surgery can worsen your health status. It's a good thing you've realized.....most people die of the same cause ignorantly" said the doctor "i really want to get the surgery but the bill is like infinite zeros joined to a figure.....i can't afford it" said Elena  "what about your parents? or don't you have an elder sibling or relatives that could support you?" asked the doctor  " my parents died when i was six ,i have only a younger sibling and he just graduated from high school and my aunt who's looking after us is pregnant.....i don't want to disturb her" replied Elena  "how then will you pay for the surgery?" asked the doctor  "i'll work really hard.....i have more than six jobs, with that i can pay in a year" replied Elena, the doctor shook his head in pity "alright then but i suggest you don't stress yourself too much, stress stimulates the symptoms and that is really terrible for your health" said the doctor  "okay" replied Elena and he ended the call. Elena sighed as she kept her phone on the table, she laid down on the sofa as thoughts ran through her mind. 

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