The Nerdy Hero

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Winston J. Ward was your average guy, kind and a bit on the nerdy side. What most people don't know that he is the legendary nerdy hero, Brief Shadow!

His power is his ability to manipulate shadows, which means he can create portals to his shadow realm. Unfortunately he is absolutely terrified of that realm and what lurks in there.

One day, Winston was walking past the museum when people came running out screaming about a blond haired villain. He knew what to do, and so he slipped into an alleyway, put on his cape, readied his goggles and dropped his pants. "It's go time." He said to himself before slipping into the shadows of the alley.

He reappeared in a corridors of the museum, and directed the crowd of fleeing civilians to the exit before confronting the fiend behind the madness. Before him stood a blond man, dressed in stockings and suspenders. Brief Shadow's arch nemesis, the dastardly Corpus!

"Corpus! I should've known it was you stealing from a museum!" Brief Shadow announced, readying his guard. Corpus just scoffed. "Ugh, you again? These apes don't know how to properly tend for these precious artifacts. I'm just bringing them back to where they belong. With me!"

Corpus snapped his fingers and 5 mind controlled guards came to his aid. "Pawns, take care of this nuisance." Corpus ordered and the guards start marching towards the hero. Brief Shadow slipped into a shadow of a pillar and disappeared. He reappeared and jumped onto a guard, knocking him to the floor before vanishing again. Eventually every mind controlled guard was knocked down.

Brief Shadow began to charge at Corpus before stopping abruptly. "Hey listen, I uh, know how you feel about fighting in museums. I'd like to respect that, so if you'd like to go outside to fight, we will." The hero said. Corpus eyed him before giving him a slight nod. "I'd like that." He said turning and leaving.

Brief Shadow grinned and went to tend to security guards, who had been released from Corpus' control. "Are you guys alright?" He asked helping them up. "Yeah, sorry about assaulting you Brief Shadow, we couldn't control our bodies and-"

"I know, I'll handle it from here, you guys get outta here!" Brief Shadow commanded. The guards nodded, thanked the hero and headed for the main exit. Brief Shadow meanwhile went for the fire exit. Outside he found Corpus examining a jewel. "There you are, now are we gonna do this the easy way, or the hard way?" Brief Shadow asked cracking his knuckles.

Corpus smirked. "How's about we do this the fun way." He said, his eyes glowing blue. "What do you mean?" Brief Shadow asked. All of a sudden his underwear was shooting up his butt. "What!? Yowie!!"

"Tch, seriously, why don't you wear pants? It's like you're begging to have them pulled up." Corpus teased, stuffing the jewel into his pocket. "Oh yeah? A-At least I don't, ow! D-dress l-like a girl!" Brief Shadow retorted.

Corpus glared at the hero angrily. "How dare you!? This is the latest fashion! Although I don't expect a nerd like you to understand fashion. And that shade of yellow is sickening." He spat, walking towards Brief Shadow. "W-wait, what are you d-doing? G-get back!" He stammered.

Corpus smiled. "Oh I do so love it when you're frightened. It makes this so much more fun." Corpus says staring into the eyes of the hero. "N-no! St-stop!" Brief Shadow stuttered, trying to fight the mind control. "G-gotta f-fight it!" Corpus shushed him. "Let me take over. It's for the best."

"N-noooo..." Brief Shadow said before his eyes shut. They opened again and they were glowing the same blue hue Corpus had. "That's better. Now then Brief Loser, who's the greatest psychic villain in Wengeville?" Corpus asked.

"Y-You are Corpus." Brief Shadow replied, fully under the villains command. "Good boy, and who is dorky friendless loser?" Corpus asked. "I am sir." The hero said with a smile.

"Hey! Stop right there!" Backup had arrived and the police had caught them behind the museum. "Crap, time to go! Come superdork!" Corpus exclaimed, fleeing down the alleyway with Brief Shadow in tow. "After them!"

"You're not catching us pigs!" Corpus shouted, using his telekinesis to slide a dumpster behind them, blocking the cops' path. "Briefie, let's split." Brief Shadow nodded and grabbed onto Corpus' wrist and charged into a shadow, making them both vanish from the crime scene. "Where'd they go?!" "Search the perimeter, they couldn't have gone far!"

They reappeared behind a deli, a few blocks down from the museum. Corpus sighed as he opened the back door and smirked. "Be right back loser."

A couple minutes later Corpus returned. "Come on in, we got a reservation." Brief Shadow entered the restaurant to find everyone inside it had the matching blue glowing eyes. They treated them like VIPs.

After treating themselves to a hearty lunch, Corpus with a sandwich and Brief Shadow with some soup, Corpus decided to have more fun with his toy. "Hey Briefie, give yourself a wedgie!" He chuckled. Brief Shadow smiled and grabbed onto his underwear, pulling it up his back. "How does it feel dork?"

"It feels wonderful!" Brief Shadow replied, his eye twitching slightly. The people in the deli paid no attention to the hero. "Great to hear! Now the front." Corpus demanded and Brief Shadow obliged, yanking the front of his briefs up to his chest.

Corpus smiled and walked out of the restaurant, the nerdy hero in tow. "This has been fun, but I really do have to run." He said, telekinetically lifting Brief Shadow up and hanging him on a nearby billboard.

The pain was too much for the hero, and thus the mind control was broken. "Owww!! Wh-what the-!? G-get me d-down!!" Brief Shadow wailed holding onto his underwear, which were designed specifically so they wouldn't rip. "Hmm, nah. It's past noon and my manicure appointment is due in fifteen minutes. Ta ta Briefie!" Corpus giggled as he walked away with his bags of artifacts.

Brief Shadow groaned as he watched the villain leave. He groaned even louder when he noticed the crowds under him laughing. "Any help? Anyone?"


(Hey guys, a massive shout out to both @ brief_shadow and @ VillainCorpus on Twitter. Their characters are amazing and I suggest you go check them out. As always I hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter!)

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