The Shooting Star

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"These villains have really put on the effort on causing havoc." Winston sighed, rubbing his poor sore butt as he sat atop a building. He looked up at the sky, and saw a comet pass by. "Hmm, couldn't hurt to try." He thought as he shut his eyes.

"I wish for a partner who can help me fight all the villains and bullies of Wengeville." He whispered. He opened his eyes and stared back up at the night sky. It was a beautiful night, though the darkness did make him a bit uncomfortable. He slipped into the shadows and returned to his safehouse.

The next day he was watching TV with a bowl of cereal in hand when all of a sudden he heard a thunderous noise boom from outside his apartment. It almost made him spill his breakfast. He thought it was a military jet, but that couldn't be right. If the military was involved, something bad could be going down!

Winston suited up and, after cleaning up, went out to see the commotion.

Brief Shadow found himself above one of the many banks in Wengeville. He looked through the skylight and saw that a group of armed thugs were robbing it.

He slipped into the shadows and reappeared in the alleyway where he found two more thugs waiting. He quickly dispatched of them and was about to head in when he heard another crash. It was like thunder, or a jet. He looked up and caught a glance of a black figure flying overhead and into the bank.

Brief Shadow ran into the bank to confront the entity. When he got inside, he found the robbers were tied up and had a zoned out expression on their faces. A man dressed in black, white and purple hovered over them, his arms crossed. The masked hero shook his head and quickly flew off.

Brief Shadow was amazed at how quickly the mysterious man was able to take down the group of criminals. He had to meet him in person.

(An hour later)

Brief Shadow had been trailing the hero since he stopped the bank robbery. Although every time he got to the scene of the crime, the villains were already defeated and had the same blank expression. "This guy is the real deal! I need to know how he does it." He thought to himself.

He warped to the ground and found a hooded figure mugging a woman. Before he could go further with his malicious act, Brief Shadow sprung into action, dropping him with a dropkick. "Ugh, damn you Brief Shadow!" The criminal scowled, running away. He didn't make it far before bumping into the mysterious hero. "Magus! I found you finally!" He yelled, removing the man's hood. To his dismay it was not the guy he was looking for.

The hero aimed a fist at the crook and two small energy beams shot out from a gadget on his wrist. Immediately the would-be thief dropped to his knees and showed the same blank expression as all the others. "Thanks for the help, erm?"

"Oh! I'm Brief Shadow! Let me tell you it's a relief to meet a fellow hero as opposed to all the villains and bullies!" The shorter hero replied smiling. The other hero nodded. "I am Singularity, I'm from Oceanside. Heard of it before?" The name tickled Brief Shadow's mind. "Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure a mage from there is here in Wengeville."

Singularity's eyes widened. "A mage? Did you get his name by any chance?" He questioned. Brief Shadow nodded. "Oh yeah! He said his name was Cameron Magic or something." He replied, grimacing with his last encounter with the wizard.

Singularity nodded slightly. "I believe you mean Colin Magus. He fled from Oceanside about a week ago, I have arrived to return him to a prison cell." He announced, grabbing Brief Shadow's hand and flying up towards the roof. "Wah! H-Hey!" Brief Shadow exclaimed, holding onto Singularity's arm.

Singularity flew up to the roof and set Brief Shadow. "I must say, Wengeville is a heck of a town. Though what it has in common with Oceanside is it's villains." He quipped, tapping on his wrist watch. "Ooh, what's that?" Brief Shadow asked curiously.

Singularity tapped on his wrist gadget and a screen popped up. This is my W-Phone. Think of it as a Swiss army knife of spy gadgets. I used it to track that wizard here." He explained, his W-Phone displaying an image of Colin Magus' mugshots.

Brief Shadow smiled. "That's so cool! Can it fire lazers or launch EMP blasts?" He asked. Singularity just stared at him. "Uh, no. An EMP blast would render my W-Phone useless, and why would I ever need a laser?"

Brief Shadow blushed, feeling absolutely stupid. "Oh, uh... right." He muttered, looking over the side of the roof. "So, what do you do when you catch those bad guys? What makes them go all dazed?"

"Oh, I can use spacial radiological frequencies to suppress and, as a Las resort permanently nullify brain activity." Singularity explained. Brief Shadow tried to wrap his head around what the older hero just said. "Wha- huh?"

Singularity sighed. "In layman's terms, I put them in a hypnotized state." He explained. All of a sudden his W-Phone began to ring. "Another crime. Hopefully it's the mage. Would you like to tag along?"

Brief Shadow agreed and Singularity started to fly off. He stopped and turned to Brief Shadow. "Well? Aren't you coming along."

Brief Shadow rubbed the back ofbhis head embarrassed. "Well, you see I um... can't fly. I travel using shadows." He explained, a tinge of blush on his cheeks.

Singularity nodded. "Oh I see. Well it's at the Moonlight Plaza. I'll see you there." He said flying off. At the same time Brief Shadow ducked under a billboard and disappeared.

Singularity flew in and Brief Shadow hopped out from behind a vending machine to confront the thugs. "Dtop right there!" The two heroes said in unison. Brief Shadow smirked as Singularity flew in and began to beat them up. Brief Shadow joined in, entering and exiting shadows and dropkicking the crooks.

After the criminals were dispatched and picked up by police Singularity approached Brief Shadow. "I must say, it was nice to fight alongside a fellow hero. Unfortunately I need to find Colin, and once I do I'll have to return to Oceanside." He explained. "Of course, Oceanside needs its Shooting Star." Brief Shadow responded.

The older hero smirked. "You've got moxie kid. I admire that. I look forward to fighting alongside you again." He said before flying off to find the wizard.

Brief Shadow smiled before dipping back into the shadows.


(Hey guys! This time fortune strikes for Brief Shadow! The Shooting Star from Oceanside is here to help the citizens of Wengeville. Huge shout out to @ HeroSingularity on Twitter! As always stay safe and stay wedgied.)

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