❀Just A Lil Shady❀

546 19 3

Hinatas pov

Practice was eventually over and we all headed to get changed, i had been able to get away with not changing infront of everyone at the start of the year by telling them it made me uncomfortable to change infront of so many people.

This ment i would change after everyone left, despite this kageyama would stand outside and wait for me before we both went to our classes.

Once i had finally finished changing i met kageyama outside and we headed to our first class which was maths. Today we would be having a mock maths test which i was not happy about.

In truth yes my grades were terrible but i wasnt stupid, you see during tests i easily get distracted as i dont do well with the deathly silence and soon i try and find away to distract myself from it. This ultimately ends up with always only finishing half the test so in theory if im either getting just below a passing grade or barley scraping one, thats only half my marks if i finish a full paper.

This test was no better as i basicaly got distracted at the very start and i ended up only compleating the first couple pages.

Once class was over me and kagayama got up and headed to the school roof to eat, we went up there because it wasnt super busy and i liked it up there cause it wasnt super noisy.

Kagayma: Did you not bring any lunch again?

Hinata: no im not hungry anyway, ill probably have something to eat later tonight.

Kagayma: thats what you always say... Are u anorexic or something?

I stared at him in disbelief, i mean i know i never ate lunch but i didnt think it was that worrying.

Hinata: what?... NO! Omg no... I just dont get hungry.

He stared at me like i was lying to him, he really didnt believe me and it genuanlly pissed me off.

Hinata: im not lying seriously, ive always been like this i just never get hungry and when i do i dont eat alot... I guess I its sort of concerning because sometimes i forget to eat but im not doing it on purpose, i genuanlly just don't get hungry but i normally have a small breakfast and then a big Dinner when i get home.

I smiled at him and his face finally went back to normal after my explination.

Kagayama: Fine! But im letting you have some of my lunch.

Hinata: fine

I smiled he had baught sushi with him for lunch today so i took a piece and ate it, kagayma was a good friend i could appreciate that, a bit annoying but i could get past it. But there was one thing that i hated, unbeknownst to kagayama i knew that he had a crush on me which could lead to uncomfortable situations when A) i didnt like him back and B) i already had a boyfriend, but i didnt want to cause a fuss or ruin our friendship so i stayed quite.

Lunch was finally over and soon so was the school day, all that was left now was afternoon practice. I finished my work as kagayama went on ahead to change and soon i trailed after taking my time to get to the gym,once i got there and saw no one was inside changing i went in and got myself changed.

Practice was fun for the most part as me and kagayama practiced our quick attack. Meanwhile everyone practiced their own thing, ill admit i actually wanted to practice my recives id recently gotton alot better at them as id practice with Christina. And not only had my recives improved but just my all round ability.

I had just spiked another ball when Takaede Sensei and Coach Ukai walked in as he clapped his hands to get our attention.

Takaede: Okay listern up guys!
Next week there is going to be a training camp, its going to last 2 weeks and will be held at Inarizaki highschool.
The other teams attending will be... Nekoma high, Aobajohsai High, Fukurōdani Academy and Shiratorizawa Academy. We need you to get your parent and or guardian to sign this slip so you can go, we want it signed by tomorrow so we know who is going. Finally we will be leaving at 7am on monday and be back by 9pm on the 20th.

The gym became loud as everyone expressed their excitement for the camp i mean i was excited to except the fact that things would be so much harder to hide.

I sighed as we packed up, i didnt bother changing so i waited for kagayma since we would be walking home together.

He soon was done changing and we set off home as we made small talk we were about half way there when all of a sudden an old, broken and shady ass lookin car slowed down next to us honking its horn.

Kagayama basically shat his pants at the noise and looked weirdly at the car he almost looked scared. I didnt blame him, this shady car that looked like a pedophile owned it comes pulling up next to us. well in fact it was not a pedophile who owned said car so i did the reasonable thing.

Hinata:Sorry kagayama i got to go ill see you tomorrow!!

Kagayama:Wait hinata do you even know whos it-

Before he could finished i had already hopped in the car placing my bag in the back seat, before turning to the women who sat in the front seat.

Hinata: why do you even still fucking own this car, it litrally looks like a pedophile owns it. Have you seen how many dents it has aswell i mean isnt it like as old as you now.

??? : Oi im giving you a lift here mr!

This was infact my mums best friend Bethany or beth for short, and she was my god mother. She owned a tattoo shop, she was actually the person who did my tattoos.

Hinata:mhm thanks, so are you heading up to see mum or you just passing by?

I took out the packet of cigarettes id taken earlier as i searched for a ligher.

Beth: ye your mum wanted help with some stuff and i was gonna pop by anyway.

She gestured to a ligher placed in the cup holder as i reached to my left and rolled down the window lighting my cigarette.

(the car is rly old and broken so it has one of those handles you have to roll up and down to move the window if you get me)

We soon arrived home a few minutes later and we both got out as i grabbed my bag and stomped the end of my cigarette onto the pavment, heading inside.


Soooo.. Em chapters are probably gonna be shaky for a while for this book and my other one.

Im not gonna stop writing and may so might write more to be productive since i really just need to distract myself with the shit around me.

I might use it to vent or stuff such as that so ig thats a future warning, though i really dont have many thoughts at this time its all a bit blank rn so em ye..

I hope this is okay i had plans to write more but i just decided not to ig.


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