Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Seven in the morning comes sooner than Louis had wanted it to. Only getting about four and half hours of sleep, he lies in the hotel room begging time to pause just so he can get some more rest.

He allows himself half an hour to scroll through his social media accounts and text his family back about visiting soon, promising that he'll make time to go back to Doncaster to see them, but knowing he probably won't find the time to do so in the near future.

He's scrolling through pictures one of his sisters posted of her and the rest of the Tomlinson family when Zayn's photo pops up, signaling a phone call.

Back to reality.

Louis sighs and hits the little green button, muttering a deep and raspy 'hello' into the receiver.

"It's almost eight Louis, he's arriving in an hour!" Zayn says loudly into his ear. Louis furrows his brows and hops out of the bed, walking to the bathroom. He puts Zayn on speaker and sets his phone on the sink's counter. "Are you taking a fuckin' piss right now?"

"I just woke up Zayn. It's the first thing a person typically does when they get up for the day." Louis says sarcastically, flushing the toilet and washing his hands. "Give me the rundown." He says, already coating a toothbrush with paste.

"Everyone is ready. There's not much to update on. Everything is scheduled and set up for today, we just need you here for his arrival." Zayn says. "Did you make the basket?"

"Fuck." Louis seethes, mouthful of toothpaste foam. He spits into the sink and rinses his mouth out, splashing cold water on his face and patting it dry with a towel. "Not yet. I'm getting dressed and I'll be down in a few minutes."

"You were so excited, what happened?" Zayn chuckles. "You were quite literally running into people yesterday to get started on this project, now I'm struggling to get you out of bed."

"I am out of bed!" Louis protested. "All of the end of August and beginning of September paperwork just kicked my ass. Plus I realized we're probably thinking way too hard about this. He's just another guest at the end of the day." Louis shrugs off his pajamas and speed walks to the closet, pulling out a regular black suit and a black dress shirt underneath.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. But either way I don't want to risk messing this up. I need my partner here and fully awake." Zayn replies. Louis slides on his dress shoes before jogging back into the bathroom. He quickly gets the hair gel from the bottom of the sink and swoops his hair up in a curled quiff, spraying it with some of Zayn's hairspray once he gets it set like he wants.

"I'm fixing my hair now then I'm coming down. I'll meet you in the supply room. Can you grab an empty basket for me?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon."

Louis quickly finishes his hair, washing the stickiness off his hands before wiping any contaminants off his suit with his palms. He exits the room, grabbing a water bottle from the eleventh floor's kitchen before making his way down to the lobby.

Zayn is quickly pulling random items off the shelves when Louis walks in, lazily throwing them into the basket. Louis stays silent, shaking his head as he takes the basket from Zayn's hands. He places the beige container on a table and removes the contents, neatly placing the wine bottles and full bottles of the shampoo and conditioner more neatly in the basket.

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