Stories of What Was Once Lost

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Finding Frost-Chapter 10

Stories of What Was Once Lost

Copyright 2013: All Rights Reserved


“Sorry about that, Mom’s just kind of a bitch I guess? I don’t know but she really needs to get her own life and stop trying to live mine.” I sighed and then winced, “I know how mean that sounds but it’s true.”

“What happened? She seemed a whole lot less clingy when last time I saw her.”  I shrugged, I guess I’m immune to it because she is a daily occurrence.

“My father left us a while back. A year or two after you left.” I told him giving him a bit of the cold shoulder. It’s absolutely not his fault because he left long before anything happened, it wasn’t as if I needed someone. And even if I thought that I am totally not one to hold a grudge right?

I began to walk ahead but Jack grabs my hand. He turns me around and gives me one of those looks. My heart melted and I forgave him, but how could I not? No one gives the ‘I’m innocent’ look quite like the mischievous Jack Frost. I’m pretty sure he’s the one who originated it from, he’s definitely old enough for it.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” This time he pulled at and ran his hand through his hair, “Why did I have to leave? God! I just can’t stand that I wasn’t there for you when you needed me.”

I smiled back at him, “It’s okay. I’m happy you’re here with me now, that is all that really matters to me.”

He smiled back while Tiff butt in, “You guys are totally cute and all but I feel like a third wheel. Care to include me some more?”

“Of course Tiff, what would we be without you?” I asked and she smiled.

Twirling around she answered, “Nothing. Dead. Somewhere in between.”

“Exactly.” Jack giggled while he said that causing me to giggle.

I wrapped my arms around Tiff and squeezed her tight, “This is why I love you.”

We all laughed and trudged along our merry way.


Okay so just to clarify, when I say I’m at their “house” I mean their house. They bought one in a close proximity to the school and my house. To tell you the truth it was placed directly in center of the two. I didn’t dare ask them why and not because I feared Tiff’s wrath but solely because I knew the reasoning behind it.

To watch over moi.

“So you really are an overachiever?” Tiff asked looking at me warily.

“Yup.” I answered and she walked away annoyed with me.

Once we had arrived, I had greeted everyone and promptly began writing the short story I neglected since Jack came.  I could definitely use the five grand, put half of it to my college fund and the other half to my card for my next shopping spree. The only problem was that I couldn’t decide what to write about, I had a couple of great ideas but none of them felt right.

I had been sitting in a beanbag chair, laptop on my lap for thirty minutes when Jack appeared and plopped down on the beanbag chair next to me. I sighed and continued to look at all of my ideas, I just couldn’t find the right one. I just couldn’t settle for anything less than the best, being the perfectionist I am.

“How is your quest for the perfect short story going?” Jack asks trying to sneak a peek of my writing. I pulled the computer out of his view and frowned.

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