You and What Army? Part 2

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Finding Frost-Chapter 4

You and What Army Part 2

Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved.


Tanner sighed and looked at me with an emotion foreign to me, "Well we'd better get to drama class."

I nodded and led him to the classroom where I promptly spent the class ignoring him and many text messages that I obviously knew were from him. When class was over I left with him and made my way to the cafeteria, making polite conversation with him. I have to keep up appearances right?

We bought our lunch and sat down with our friends, we acted as if nothing were wrong. Were in the limelight too much, our personal lives and problems are for behind closed curtains.

"Are you listening to me Gwen?" Geneva asked and I looked over at her and nodded.

"Hot, trap, Jack, seduce, missing, I got it." I told her before turning away, only listening to half of what she said as she rambled.

"Anyway I was thinking.........." However she suddenly trailed off and looked behind me. I looked up, she wasn't the only one acting weird, the cafeteria was silent.

I turned around and was met by a formation of five people, all unearthly beautiful. Oh no he didn't.

Jack stood in the very front staring right at me smiling, "You said I'd need an army so here they are."


"Jack..............." I trailed off, this was too much. Every single eye was on us including a very irritated Tanner, then again why wouldn't they when a commotion starts with the most popular girl in school and five drool worthy new comers, one of which went MIA yesterday.

Tiff squealed and ran over to hug me, "I haven't seen you in forever Gwyneira!"

I sighed and detached her from me, "It's Gwen now." I watched as the smile left her face at my cold demeanor, "But I mean if you want to call me Gwyneira?"

Her face brightened at the softer tone I used, "No I think Gwen is better than always calling you Gwyneira, it's such a mouthful."

Nick and Coop came over, Nick bounding and Coop calmly strolling, and sandwiched me in a hug. I fought the giggle that threatened to push itself out. That was so like those two, total opposites but best friends to the boot.

"You two had better let me go or I'll contact the authorities. Again." I told them both, my face displaying all seriousness but a hint of a joking in my tone.

Nick groaned and pouted at me, "Please don't, I don't want the future Mrs. Claus to meet me with a criminal record."

"Don't worry you'll find her soon and if you have a criminal record, then she'll be into that stuff Nick." He picked me up and spun me which seemed to infuriate Tanner enough to make him come over to investigate.

"Hello Gwyneira." Sandy came over to size me up but stopped, obviously unhappy that I had filled out so much. Much more than even her, without it looking like it was too much. What can I say, I have the perfect figure?

"Sandy it's been a while. How's work? Still giving guys wet dreams or do you swing the other way again?" I sneered and she made a move towards me. Coop held her back however, preventing her from clawing my eyes out. Everyone around us was avidly watching, as if our meeting were some kind of bad soap opera.

I sighed but the whole thing made me smile. Sandy was again sizing me up, hoping to find some kind of flaw to bring her self-esteem back up and inflate her ego back to its average size. Coop and Nick were flirting with a couple of girls at a nearby table, successfully getting all six of their numbers of the girls. Tiff was fluttering around, not literally but close to it.

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