Chapter 3

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"Looks like we're stuck together, Ayanokoji boy," Kouenji said. "Do try not to inhibit my beauty with your presence."

Looks like Kouenji is back to normal. His narcissism truly knows no bounds.

The room we'd been assigned had a bare-bones design, much like the rest of the white room. The ceiling and floor were white as an empty canvas. They seemed to have been repainted since the last time I'd been in here. Two medium-sized mattresses, also devoid of color, were sprawled out on opposite sides of the small room. The walls were a slightly different story. While they retained the majority of their original blankness, many years had passed since they'd been repainted.

The remnants of the first 15 years of my life were reflected on those walls. There were patches that were borderline yellow from all the days I'd leaned against them, soaking with sweat after an intensive training session. Spatters of red adorned the spot right above my mattress, a reminder of the time I'd had a guard slam my head against the wall in that very location.

The lighting was abysmal. Despite it being late afternoon, the room was barely illuminated. The bit of light we did have flickered on and off every couple minutes. This wasn't exactly the kind of situation where we could just call up maintenance either.

As I continued to survey the room I'd spent the majority of my life sleeping in, a strange feeling welled up in my chest. Everything felt so familiar. When I looked in the corner, I could almost see a miniature version of myself doing push ups. Night after night, trying desperately not to fall behind. Forcing myself to get stronger in order to survive. Knowing that the only alternative would be giving up on the one thing I had left. It would have been comforting if it weren't so devastating.

So many things about me had changed since the last time I'd laid on that damp, hard mattress. But like a phoenix who'd lived its best life before bursting into flame, I was once again back where I started.

Kouenji flopped down on the mattress that was lying opposite from the door. He crossed his arms behind his head and rustled around as he struggled to find a position that wouldn't cause imminent back pain. Wincing from the toughness of the mattress, he proceeded to kick off his shoes in an unsuccessful attempt to get more comfortable.

Trust me, I've been there buddy. It's not going to get any better from here either.

Giving up on comfort, Kouenji got back onto his feet and turned his gaze towards me. His expression was thoughtful. His eyes narrowed, as I assumed that he was reflecting on his current evaluation of my skills. Right about now, he should be realizing that if he wants to get out of here, I'll be a vital asset in that process.

"By the way, Ayanokoji boy, there's something I want to ask you about. Is it possible to do so in this space?"

I see what he's getting at. This is Kouenji's way of indirectly asking me if there's anywhere in this room that we can communicate without it being picked up by cameras or bugs. I lightly shook my head, indicating that they can hear and see us no matter where we are.

I glanced at all the ceiling, letting my eyes rest on each corner for about five seconds. If Kouenji is as observant as I've judged him to be, he'll realize that I'm giving him a hint about where the cameras are located. If he can't figure it out, then he's not worth my time, and I'll have to discard quite a few potential plans.

His expression turned grave as he rested his head in his hands, thinking. After a few minutes of silence, Kouenji walked deliberately into the center of the room. He hummed a tune as he did so, the sound echoing all around the small space.

Is he trying to find a blind spot? No, Kouenji is smarter than that. He should be aware from my movements that no such blind spots exist.

Still standing in the middle of our tiny room, Kouenji began to peel off his sweaty shirt and grinned at me. A chill ran down my spine as I contemplated why he would be looking at me like that while removing his clothes. Surely he couldn't mean to...

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