part-7( harsh words)

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virat pov
i thought as usual sai would cry
refuse to talk to me and then come back
but this time it was not the case
i was thinking about her health
but she was not understanding it
looks like involving pakhi was a bad idea
everyone thinks i have an affair with her
but i know what is pakhi to me
she is just a friend and samrats wife
i have no more connections with her
but how to tell everyone this
especially sai
i have a feeling she is not doing good
i tried to go to her college
but i didn't have the strength to face her
i decided to check on the case
as what happened with sai
how the accident took place
i thought to find out
but just then
there was a lawyer in my office
virat: who are you
abhi: myself abhimanyu birla
divorce lawyer
virat: do you need help with us
what case are you looking after
abhi: i only deal with the people who belong to the case no one other than that
virat: i didn't understand
what do you want from me
abhi: want is a small word acp chavan sir
i need you
i mean your signatures
your wife
i'm sorry your soon to be ex wife sai chavan sent me here
to deliver these papers
she is asking for divorce
based on mutual consent
virat pov
i was shocked looking at the papers
i know sai is hurt
but divorce?
i'm not ready to loose her like this
i simply tore the papers
and threw them in the dustbin
abhi: i expected this reaction
so i got another set
please sign them
virat: can't you understand what you mean
i don't want to divorce sai
abhi : but sai wants to divorce you
see it's good to ride the one ship at a time
it's not legal to have multiple ships
you know relationships
do you get my joke
virat: i don't get it
stop joking and listen to me
there is no way i'm signing these papers
or divorcing sai
so get lost
abhi: words mr chavan
please control them
you know sai is giving you an easy way out here
if you don't go through this mutual consent
we are not going to stay silent
your affair
your precious little bhabhi will also be dragged out
then the judge will definitely force you to accept the divorce
so take the easy way out and sign that paper
virat: alimony
what did she set
abhi : you still think your wife will ask you alimony
do you even know your wife
she is very naive
she is not asking a single rupee
and is making you go of the hook
if it was me
i would have sued you
so please stop wasting our time and sign those papers
i will come by again tomorrow
and this time i want the papers ready
of face the consequences
mr chavan
sai pov
i was walking back to hostel after my class
and realized i forgot my sindoor
so i stopped near the small temple on my way
to fill my hairline when
i heard a voice from back
virat: when you are ready to end this relationship
why are you trying all this
this sindoor why
whom are you showing off
sai; why are you here virat sir
shouldn't you be with pakhi didi
virat: pakhi?
do you even know our relationship
i'm her brother in law sai
i'm your husband
sai: name sake husband for me
and a real husband for pakhi didi
isn't it
virat; you will not stop this right
torturing me
sai: torture was what i faced virat sir
you are just enjoying
by the way why are you here
sai pov
stupid heart of mine
i was tearing up for speaking the harsh words
i really wanted my husband to stay with me
but then i couldn't let go all the wrong doings he had done
virat: i came to talk to you about divorce
sai: did you sign them
virat: do you really want to end this sai
sai: when there is no future it's better to end it virat sir
virat; i get it you are angry
that pakhi became the surrogate
what if we cancel this plan
will you stop this nonsense
sai; you think the only reason was surrogacy
no virat sir
surrogacy was the breaking point
i have suffered enough
the love i had for you
was never enough
you always craved for pakhi didi
virat; pakhi pakhi .. pakhi
i told you a 100 times sai
pakhi is just a friend
sai: and who in the right mind
would always take a just friends side
and keep the wife to a side
tell me virat sir
i'm i wrong
virat: who i'm i to say wrong sai
you clearly know
that you are wrong
i always loved you
sai: please don't tell love virat sir
it doesn't look good
when it doesn't have a meaning
plus why are you wasting your time
go and meet pakhi didi
she must be waiting right
virat: sai stop giving me this look
i don't like pakhi
how should i tell you this
that it gets you to your brain
virat pov
i was trying my way to make sai see sense
and just then
i got a call from pakhi
sai: lift it virat sir
you shouldn't let your loved ones wait
i will wait
the same way i had done all these years
virat pov
i cut pakhis call
but she was calling me again and again
so i lifted the call
**********phone conversation **************
pakhi: hello virat
i wanted to say
virat: why are you calling pakhi
what's so urgent that you cannot wait
pakhi: why are you shouting virat
i just wanted to know if you have eaten or not
virat: why ?
why do you want to know
i will eat or i die
it shouldn't matter you
stop calling me for useless stuff
pakhi: virat your hurting me
i just wanted to know your well being
virat: my well being is trying to leave me
so please if you have nothing important to say
cut the call
virat pov
i cut pakhis call
and turned around to see sai leaving
*******end of phone conversation **********
virat : sai wait
we are not done
i want to talk to you
sai: talking will not change anything virat sir
you think you shouting at pakhi didi
will make me come back to you
then you are wrong
virat: then what should i do
what should i do
to get you back
tell me sai
tell me
sai: virat sir
stop wasting your time
i'm done
i just need divorce from you
I ...
sai pov
i was suddenly feeling very dizzy and was about to fall
but virat sir caught me
virat: sai what happened to you
open your eyes sai...
sai ...
pakhi pov
virat didn't do the right thing
he insulted me
just because of sai
i can't let this happen
i should do something
i should make sai pay for this
author pov
soon we will see pakhi didis more bezzati
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