past-1( freeloader)

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author pov
i'm going to write the story based on both virat and sai's pov
so that we get a complete picture of what happened in the past
please let me know if you have any questions
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sai pov
my past was never an open book
it was filled with pain
now telling it all to abhi and virat sir
was a bit tough
but as they say truth should be told
so i thought to speak up now
i started telling them the story
how i met virat sir
***********2 years  back Gadcheroli*************
sai pov
sai chavan
my final exam just got completed
and for me the best of my times begins now
soon i will apply for medical college
and be a doctor
with that aim in my mind
i began walking towards my home
only to see the jeep following me again
jagtap rana
if anyone hates his more
then it's me
he has been stalking me since last year
my father warned him
and seeing him again after me
i wanted to hit him
but i remembered my fathers words not to meddle with him
so i decided to go from there
i was walking fast
when suddenly jagtap came in front of me
jagtap; my dear
why are you running away
i'm here to congratulate you
i heard you are 18 now
now you will be legal to marry
you and me
will be a loving couple
sai: marry me?
my shoe will also not marry you
stop dreaming and get lost
before i hit you more
jagtap: you hit me
come on darling
why are you spoiling the mood
give me what you want
sai pov
he was trying to touch me
but i quickly slapped him
and tried to remove myself from his hold
i was successful
he tried to slap me
but suddenly someone held his hand
virat: try again
to touch her
and i will break your hand in many pieces
jagtap: do you know who i'm ?
virat: i don't remember criminals
but you should remember me
i'm acp virat chavan
i have a track record of throwing people like you in jail
jagtap pov
i wanted to shoot this virat
but my friends broke up the fight and asked me to leave as my father is calling
i should kill this guy
he is after my sai
sai is only mine
sai pov
i got up with the help of this stranger
who claims to be acp
sai: i didn't need your help
virat: i thought to offer as you fell down
sai: im didn't need your offer then
nor with that jagtap
i can defend myself
virat: really?
it didn't look like you were defending
sai: should i show you what defending means
tell me
sai pov
i was getting close to him
and he started to laugh
sai: why are you laughing
virat: you are so small
and these dialogues don't suit you
sai: and whom do you think you are
virat: do you have amnesia
just now i said right
acp virat chavan
didn't you hear
sai: no i don't listen to useless stuff
by the way is this your car
virat; no it's a police jeep
sai: very funny
you should have been a comedian
instead of police
virat; but your character is the same
you are an idiot right
sai: do you even know who
my father is?
virat: i know him
that's why you are in my jeep
sai: so you work on recommendations now
virat: and you look like
you work for compliments
i'm i wrong miss joshi
sai: sai joshi
i think you even forgot my name
virat: to forget
i should remember right
sai: enough virat sir this is too much
you know
we both know each other
why are you saying all this stuff
virat: because you were behaving like an idiot
miss joshi
sai pov
the same laugh
i missed his smile
i know acp virat sir
since his training days
he used to come home and visit my father
we usually have this comic relationship of pretending to be strangers
which makes us laugh all the time
but today i was really pleased that
he came at the right time
to save me from that jagtap
but my ego will never let me thank him
why should i thank him
it's his job
sai: so how much did you make this week
virat: don't know
you didn't give me anything
sai: for what
virat : saving you
sai: very funny
you didn't take a bullet
virat: so you will pay me
only after taking a bullet for you
sai: if you really take a bullet for you
i will marry you
virat: really
sai: i was joking old sir
virat: sai..
virat pov
i saw sai get down the jeep and running towards her home
such a childish girl
but talking to her makes me forget my life for sometime
pakhi ..
the name makes me feel pain
i don't know if i can ever behave normal with her again
i shouldn't have forced her to marry samrat
but what should i do
samrat and pakhi were getting married
and i didn't think it would be right to ask pakhi to go away with me
but i promised her that in my heart it will always be her
and in my life she will stay as my best friend
however , i was thinking
will i really be able to keep this promise
what about my life
my needs
as i was thinking about all this
kamal sir called me inside
Kamal: virat it's good to see you here
thank you for saving sai
sai: he didn't save me
i saved him
virat: what
sai: look at your boring face
you were so lost without me
virat: that's true
she was the one who showed me the address
kamal: sai you can't talk to sir like that
he is acp
sai: but he said
i can be his friend right
so in friendship
everything works
say something viru
kamal: sai it's too much
apologize to sir
virat: it's ok sir
kamal: what's ok sir
you are so elder than her
but she still doesn't respect you
don't know what she will do
when she goes to her in laws house
virat: which ever house she goes
they will be blessed sir
sai is really good
sai: enough of praising me
here show me your hand
virat: why
virat pov
i had an old cut on my hand which happened this morning
and sai immediately
covered it up
with bandage
sai: see i see everything
you think
i can't see your pain
kamal pov
i was happy looking at two of them
once sai completes her studies
i should ask virat if he will marry her
sai: papa
what are you seeing
come on
i made dinner
let's eat
virat: what did you make
sai; your favorite
i remember last time
you asked me to make kheer
so today
i specially made it for you
virat: you remembered
sai: yes after all you are special
virat: special?
sai: yes you are my special
free loader of this house
kamal: sai stop it
you shouldn't speak like that
virat : leave it sir
it's sai
virat pov
as i was laughing at sai's actions
i got a call from pakhi
which made my smile turn into a frown
i was about to attend the call
but sai took the phone
******phone conversation ********
pakhi: hello virat
sai: this is virat sirs phone
but he is busy
he is eating my kheer
so please let him eat in peace
pakhi: who are you
why are you lifting my virats call
sai: your virat?

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