part-18( Sai's ultimatum)

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sai pov
i was trembling in pain
laying on my husband lap in the car
as contractions were hitting in
the blood was still oozing out from me
as i can see my husbands shirt
soaked in my blood
than the pain of my body
i was worried about my child
sai: virat sir please save my child
if the doctor asks
please say you want the child
virat: are you crazy sai
i need you
sai; but i need this child
virat sir
i can't go let go of this child
please ..
if anything happens to this child
i won't be able to survive
virat: sai shut up
i'm here right
nothing will happen to our child nor you
please stop talking like this
sai: my vision are starting to go blank virat sir
i can't stay up anymore
virat: sai shut up
don't say that
mohit drive fast please
mohit : we are here dada
virat: sai look we are in the hospital
everything will be alright
sai: please stay with me
i loose the baby when you are not there
please virat sir
virat: sai im just here
don't worry
nothing will happen
i will stay with you
and protect you
sai: promise me
please don't go away
from me and my child
virat: no sai
i will not go anywhere
please don't worry
see pulkit is here
he is going to take care of you
and i will be just here sai
sai: promise me virat sir
you will always love my child
even if i'm not around
virat: sai please don't make this hard
you will raise your child
please don't talk like this
sai: may be my time is done virat sir
virat: just shut up sai
i will definitely slap you
if you say that again
i realized the value of you when i lost you once
but not anymore
your my life sai
you can't leave me like this
virat pov
tears started to fall out from my eyes
when i heard what sai said
i couldn't bear this anymore
her head was oozing out blood
i put a cloth to stop it
but it was not working
and down she was already bleeding bad
she couldn't bear it much
and was starting to close her eyes
i tried hard to keep her awake
but it was not working
she started to close her eyes
i angrily called for pulkit and the staff
as no one cared
to look at sai
when finally pulkit showed up
pulkit: we need to do surgery
virat: do anything save her pulkit please
pulkit; i will try my best virat
virat: not best
you have to save her
save my sai please
virat pov
i stood outside the ot waiting for a news
praying for my sai's recovery
kaku pov
me and pakhi planned to take the baby
but seeing virat sitting outside
and police next to him
we didn't know if it could be done
pakhi saved me again today with those reports
and seeing her sad i wanted to gift her the child she could never have
everyone would agree
that sai can have kids later
she and virat can have some more kids
but pakhi can't have one
i thought to ask virat
as the elder of this house
if he will respect my decision
i wanted to ask him
but then pulkit came out
virat pov
i was remembering every moment with sai
it's been nearly 4 years
in this 4 years nor one day
she had peace
and now when she is feeling a bit happy
then this had to happen?
i didn't know what to say
my heart was going crazy when
i think about her
i just want her to be well
i can't live without her
as i was drowning myself in guilt
pulkit came out
pulkit: congratulations virat
your father to a boy
virat: thanks pulkit
but sai
pulkit: she is fine
she will get consciousness in a few minutes
virat pov
i silently thanked him
and took my son
from the nurse
he was just like me and sai
my first child
as i was holding him
i remembered something important
and asked my colleague
to get ready to take a statement
virat: inspector kadam
as soon as my wife wakes up
we need to take the statement
kaku: statement
virat: yes kaku
i didn't do one thing a long time ago
and i'm going to do one
i'm going to send the person to jail
who tried to put sai in this state
kaku: what do you mean virat
sai was careless
that's why she is here
virat: sai was never careless kaku
there is someone else who was behind snatching my sai's happiness
and today
they will get what they have done
kaku: what do you mean virat
virat: you will know soon kaku
maa look after my son and sai
i will do one thing which is more important now
pakhi pov
i was being trying to reason with the police as where and why they are taking me to jail
when virat came there
pakhi: virat what is all this
virat: a small gift for trying to ruin my happiness
i thought you are obsessive
but no you are a criminal pakhi
how could you push sai through the stairs
pakhi ; virat
i didn't do anything
i think sai is lying
she is always insecure about me
selfish creature
virat; insecure is you pakhi
not sai
my sai is in hospital
while you are here
praying she never comes back
pakhi; virat you are misunderstanding me
virat: today i undertstood you pakhi
after all this time
after all these warning and requests from sai
i didn't understand
but when the video grapher
showed me the tape of your foul play
i understood everything
you are nothing but a two faced b**ch
i would have killed you
but i can't take law in my hands
so now you are going to jail
pakhi:im sorry virat
i will change
please let me go
virat: if i leave you now pakhi
it will not only fail me as a husband
but as a father also i would failed
as i couldn't be there for my son when he needed me
get out
kadam take her
pakhi: virat please listen to me
sai pov
i cried looking at my son
he was finally here
my child
tears didn't stop
as what i wanted all along was in my hands
and for the first time i was happy that my husband took a stand and sent pakhi didi to jail
i felt like everything is sorted now
but seeing my husband seeing me intently was a bit disturbing
sai: turn away virat sir
i'm feeding him
virat: why should i
i know all the parts on your body
sai: stop your dirty talk virat sir
vinnu is here
virat: vinu?
sai: vinayak
i named him after bappa
as finally i have my child in my arms
virat pov
i saw tears in sai's eyes again
so i began to wipe them out
virat : everything ends well sai
see now you have our child in your arms
you did great
now why are you crying
sai: it's just i'm not able to believe it
virat: i can kiss you to be able to believe
sai: virat sir stop it
some one will come
virat: no one will come
give me a kiss
sai: you won't leave me right here
sai pov
i was about to kiss virat sir
when kaku entered the room
virat: kaku?
kaku : mast ha mast
looks like you both are enjoying even in the hospital
virat: sai needs rest kaku
she is under observation
kaku: she can have that in our home
she just needs to do everything in her ways
first because of her pakhi is in jail
and now this
virat: pakhi is in jail
because of her crime kaku
kaku: it was an accident
you won't understand all this
pakhi got a bail
she is ready to apologize when you get home
so stop this case and drama
sai: drama
and what do you mean she is back
kaku: we can't let chavan bahu in jail
plus she is also a kaku now
she wants to see your son
be with him
sai: not even in my dreams
she can be near my son
kaku: what are you saying girl
we all have a right on that child
we are family
sai: in a family
no one goes out to kill the other family member kaku
kaku: sai pakhi is apologizing
and i will punish her
now stop this and come back home
sai: virat sir say something
kaku: think before you answer
sai: virat sir
if you have to think
think this
that woman who tried to kill me with my child inside in my womb
how do you expect her not to harm our son
please virat sir
i can't go back to the house where pakhi didi is present
i don't want her shadow on my son
kaku; what are you saying
she is your samrat dadas wife
this is how you treat her
sai: it's not about treatment
i fear for my son
virat sir please
you know what i went through
why do you want me to suffer more
i already lost 2
if something happens to this child
i will not live
please understand
vurat: sai stop it your hurting yourself
kaku: you lost 2 because of your carelessness
virat you are always the responsible son
now tell me
what will you choose
leave your parents and everyone
for your wife
she is a home breaker
sai: im not a home breaker
i'm just talking what's right
try to understand virat sir
if pakhi didi is that house
i'm not coming with my son
let what happen with our relationship
virat; you will break our relationship for pakhi
sa: im not breaking anything
i just don't want me and my son to stay in the same place as pakhi didi
if you leave me because of it
then let it be
i don't care
virat: sai what is this
stop crying
sai: no virat sir
i waited for too long
i respect your family as my own
but this time
i can't do it anymore
you decide if pakhi didi should be in your house and your life
or i and your son should be in your life
virat: sai shut up
sai: no virat sir
answer now
answer it
kaku: you can have a child with anyone
but you have family virat
answer her
that your family
sai: virat sir
please don't disappoint me anymore
i can't tolerate it
virat: im sorry ...
author pov
what did virat say?
the story is going to take 4 years leap from next chapter
and soon savi will also make an entry
there are new challenges
and lot of kaku and pakhis crimes to be exposed
i hope you like this story line
please let me know if you want to change anything in the comments 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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