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Here's the format for the reviews :

° Title and Author

° Book / Publication Info

° Genres

° Page count

° Word count

° Themes explored


° My Rating
(out of 5 stars)

° My Synopsis
(Summary of the story)

° My Review
(where I discuss what I enjoyed, disliked, etc)


° Book Covers

° Prequels, Sequels, etc.


I review the plots of novels and the way the novel engages with the reader. Overall, the flow of the story. I will not be going into detail about grammar, writer's methods, symbolisation, or any of that fancy author stuff. I am not great at that sort of thing - so that's a big nope. Remember, I'm doing this for fun!

I also review fanfiction if you are interested. If you have any requests, both Fanfic and novel, you can request titles on my profile.

Alrighty, that's enough from me. Hope you find the reviews mildly interesting. 


~ Ella-May

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