Things Finally Took a Turn

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Welcome to the Villains' world
(Prologue 17-19)

3rd POV

After discussing the plan and everyone's roles to get the magestone, they stood in front of the Dwarfs' Mine and decided to take the plan into full swing.

Grim called out, "H-hey, monster! I'm, uh... I-I'm over here!"

The big monster came out of the mine and saw Grim. He also noticed that (Y/n) was with Grim too. This gave the monster an opportunity to defeat the cat and get (Y/n) since Grim wasn't that strong as it recalled.

"Grrrrraaawrrr! Giiiivvvveee Ammmmmbbbbeeer! BEGOOOOOONE!" The monster charged towards them both, giving Grim a fright.

"He's coming our way! (Y/n)!" Grim shouted, making (Y/n) grab Grim and started running away.

"I'm here, ya big lug! Come and get me!" (Y/n) ran as fast as she could and far enough to make sure the monster doesn't get back into the cave.

"Grrurgh? Thieeef thiiis waaay tooooo... Neeeevvaaa giiivee stoooones! Neeeeevvaaa giiive Ammbbeeer! Neeeeevaaa!" The monster punched a rock that was beside it and immediately broke it in half.

Grim saw this and was scared if they couldn't make it, the monster would punch them like that. "Eep! If it lands one of those punches, we're toast!"

"We got to get him away from cave! Hopefully this can lure him away from the cave!"

The monster started to follow them deeper and deeper into the forest. Not stopping at all.

"Begooooone! Begooooooone!"

"We got him a good distance away from the mine!" Said Grim.

"Perfect! Ace! Grim! Now's our chance!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she dropped Grim and ran behind the trees when she had the chance. This made Ace come out of his hiding place and pull out his magic pen and pointed it towards the monster.

"You bet, I got this! One extra-large gust of wind, comin' up!" Ace used wind magic and launched it towards the monster.

With Grim by his side, "With a side of Grim's blazin'-hot fire! MYAAAH!" He blew fire towards Ace's wind direction and created a huge fire tornado and was hit by the monster.


"How's that taste?! With my winds fanning them, even Grim's feeble flames can become an inferno!" Ace bragged, acting as if he did most of the work.

"Whaddaya mean "feeble"?! Ya really don't know how to shut yer mouth, do ya?!"

"Shut up and get to phase two already! Deuce! Now's your chance!" (Y/n) reminded them and Deuce came out of his hiding place, thinking to himself.

"Just stay calm, aim carefully...and pull out the biggest, heaviest thing I can think of..." Deuce took a deep breath before pointing his magic pen to the monster. "Get 'em, cauldron!"

A huge cauldron appeared above the monster and slammed down onto it, making it harder for the monster to get out. "Gwaaaah?!" This caught the monster by surprise.

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