All's Well That Ends Well, I Think... (Part 1)

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(Usurper from the Wilds)
(Chapter 2: 30)


     Well, if that didn't kill me, the blood loss sure did. So stupid. I should've just quit and forced Loki to take my spot. I've done many dangerous things, killed many people, and fought the toughest battles ever, and I get knocked down by blood loss.

I swear, Tony'll scold me along with Professor Crewel for not resting or for getting hurt in the first place. Welp, goodbye world. Goodbye life, I'll never forgive you... Hello your thing.

Just before I could die, I felt something on my chest, forcing me to wake up. I see Grim with a huge smile on his face, hugging me with tears in his eyes.

God damn it...

"Hey, (Y/n)'s awake!" Grim announced.

"...Huh?" I felt groggy.

"At the start of the second half, Grim threw the disc right at your noggin and you somehow avoided being hit, scoring a goal before passing out from blood loss after that. Don't you remember?" Ace summarized.

"I was tryin' to seal our victory with a shot from way downfield...

"You amateurs gotta work on your disc control. And I told you to go to the nurse." Jack looked at me in disappointment. "But you're as stubborn as you look."

"Sorry, I learned my lesson now." I sighed in exhaustion, seeing everyone except Ruggie and Leona surrounding my bed that I was laying in.

"You should've told us that you were bleeding, we could've worked something out so that you wouldn't have to play." Ace scolded

"I know, I just didn't want you guys to worry and didn't want to let y'all down. I'm sorry."

"Well, we're still worrying. Not to mention, Professor Crewel and Tony are at it with the headmaster for letting you play in these injuries when they found out that Leona overblotted and injured you. And that you didn't rest when they saw you play and pass out. Be prepared to come home with two angry dads." Ace warned.

Deuce smiled at me, "I'm just glad you're awake." I laughed a bit before resting my head on the pillow. "You were out for so long that I was starting to worry that you would die."

"Yeah, you even missed the closing ceremonies! They're taking everything apart right now." Ace added, making me wonder who won.

"Oh, yeah. Which dorm won?" I asked, curious to see if this made a difference.

"The grand champion was Diasomnia House." Leona says, sitting up straight from the bed next to me. He sounded disappointed and annoyed, seeing how Malleus was the winner again.

"In the end, there was nothing we could do..." Ruggie stated, sighed in exhaustion. He was sitting on a bed across from Leona. "It certainly didn't help that we took a beating from every dorm on the way to the finals. What a miserable tournament this year was."

"In their defense, it was your fault for harming them." I remarked. Leona just glared at me for saying that, but he knew I was right.

Jack jumped, shouting to see that Ruggie and Leona were both awake as well. "Housewarden! Ruggie!"

Leona scoffed, laying his head down on the pillow. "Tch... Bein' stuck in an infirmary bed for anything other than a mid-day nap is about as lame as it gets."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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