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It was a week after the sorting ceremony, and I was currently reading about Dark Creatures under the request of my mother. I felt the presence of another's magic and looked up to see Quinn.

Quinn was sorted into Ravenclaw, so that meant he was quite witty and quick on his feet.

In any case, I tilted my head to the side at the boy my age. "Yes, may I help you?"

He just grinned. "Nah, just recognized you from the train."

I smiled at him. "Most people forget about me, part of the charm of being Draco's twin, I guess."

He looked at me like I said something untrue. "How can people forget you? You are such a puzzle to figure out," he mumbled.

I felt my anger flare up. "I am not a puzzle!" I shot back.

He laughed. "Oh, I know. You are much more than a simple puzzle. I was only teasing."

I rolled my eyes. "And here I thought Draco was a stuck up brat," I muttered.

He let out a quiet laugh before sitting down beside me. He then took out a book of his own, a small one by the looks of it. It was quiet for awhile until Quinn spoke up. "If your father disowns you, my mum and dad will be more than happy to let you stay with us."

I froze. "How... did you know about that?" I asked carefully.

"Potter, of course. He told me, concerned for you. He's my cousin, ya know? Too bad he lives with those dreadful muggles," Quinn replied, not looking bothered in the slightest.

"I was under the impression that he hated me," I frowned at his answer. I stopped at the chapter for vampires then closed my book, getting up.

Quinn then said something to make me stop in my tracks, "He doesn't hate you, only your brother."

I paused then glanced at him until I broke out into a grin, "Maybe a few years ago I would've accepted on the spot, but I got to take care of my family you know? Oh, by the way, Revelio."

All of a sudden Harry Potter was visible and looking at me in shock.

"Word of advice," I said as I looked at the two, "I'm not fooled by Ravenclaw's ability to learn upper year spells that easily. I'm a Malfoy. I know when someone is eavesdropping on me."

.*+Our very first time skip brought to you by Dark spending $26.70 on Harry Potter stuff in a bookstore .*+

I sighed as Professor Snape picked on Harry again.

"Professor? Don't you think you're being a little too harsh? If Har- Potter isn't getting them correct, then shouldn't someone tutor him?" I suggested.

"10 points from Gryfindor for speaking out of turn, and if you're so confident, why don't you tutor Mr. Potter?" Snape snapped.

I nodded then moved Ron out of my way to go to Harry. I stared at the cauldron before looking at the Potter. "Dear Morgana, what are you trying to make? We're brewing a cure for boils, not a... Is this...? Bloody hell, how did you manage to brew this poison by accident?" I ranted, waving my wand to clear the cauldron.

Harry had no idea what he had been brewing, thank Merlin, but he definitely needed to start over from the beginning if he was going to make the proper potion by the end of class. With my advice, Harry was able to get the potion correct, (even if I had to slap his hand more than once.) Needless to say, we walked out of that class with a good grade (and Harry with a sore hand). I, of course, did what I could for Harry, and threw a potions book at him and told him to study.

"Ouch! You didn't have to throw it at me," Harry complained.

"I absolutely did, you need all the help you can get, which means over Christmas, I'll be cramming you full of potions facts," I threatened, making my point clear.

I would not allow Harry to fail. After all, Draco will be telling Father I'm tutoring Harry, which means if Harry fails, my family will be disappointed in me. I refused to allow my family to be disappointed in me, especially Mother. And Father, he did not need another reason to be ashamed of me.

Harry broke me out of my thoughts by panicking not-so-quietly.

"Chill, Potter, I'm not going to make you write essays," I grinned.

Although he forced himself to smile at me, I could tell that he was still panicking on the inside.

I sighed softly before saying, "It's like cooking. Everyone can learn it with enough patience."

Looking doubtful, Harry nodded.

"Let's go," I said as I motioned for him to continue walking, "Our next class awaits."

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