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Turns out, I never got the chance to even talk to Quinn because I was cut off by my very own brother. Typical of him getting in the way of my revenge.

"What's this I hear about you fainting?" He questioned.

Cue the annoyed Fenrir face. "I elegantly lost consciousness because I was accused of liking men," I said boldly.

He gave me a confused look. "But you do like guys?"

"That's not the point," I waved off quickly. "The point was the public accusation."

Draco just sighed and then continued what he was going to say. "Fainting is unbecoming of a pureblood."

I stifled a laugh. "So is pink hair."

Draco's face went red. He was most likely thinking back to when he accidentally turned his hair neon pink. "The-those are two different things. Mine was accidental-"

"You think I fainted on purpose?" I asked as I gave my twin a look.

Draco remained silent for a moment before giving in. "Fine. I won't tell Father about this."

'Thank, Merlin,' I thought before deciding that I could possibly kill two birds with one stone. "Want to help me get revenge?"

Draco looked at me cautiously, probably because he knew I very rarely got revenge on someone. The last time he saw me get revenge, he swore that he would never irk me again. (Naturally, he managed to anger me only three days later and ran to Father about me being the second-coming of our Aunt Bellatrix. Needless to say, I decided to be more cautious about taking revenge from then on.)

"It won't be you," I assured Draco quickly.

After thanking Merlin's ghost, he asked cautiously, "Who is it?"

"Quinn," I said as if it should have been obvious, which it really should have.

Draco thought about it for a moment. Then shrugged. "Why not, what are you thinking?"

I smiled because this was the fun part. "Rainbow hair."

Draco's face paled because when I said rainbow hair, I meant unwashable, unspellable, rainbow hair.

It would be something that would irritate Quinn for days, simply because I could. It wouldn't be harmless either, so that was an added bonus.

"I-Isn't that a bit much?" Draco stammered.

I laughed, only because I knew what he was really thinking.

Draco paled even more, clearly thinking back to every time I laughed as though I was actually the second-coming of Aunt Bellatrix. He'd probably faint himself if he wasn't worried about the incident getting back to Father.

"Relax, dear brother," I practically cooed at my twin, "It'll make sure you're blameless should we get caught."

Draco really thought hard about whether he wanted to get involved or not now that he knew it was something intense.

"No backing out now," I chirped brightly, causing Draco to look like he regretted agreeing so easily. "I'll meet you outside the Great Hall just before dinner tomorrow." With that, I happily went on my way. Leaving behind Draco who was on the edge of actually fainting.

I had a certain pair of twins to bargain with.

-Time skip by Dark hugging Val-

Turns out the twins didn't need much convincing, because as they so lightly put it, "Pranksters stick together."

It was quite insulting as this was not a prank. It was an elaborate revenge plot, one that I plan to last weeks.

I got the products and did a bit of tweaking.

Now, not only will Quinn have rainbow hair, he'll also feel the wrath of someone who he had wronged - me. He will be publicly embarrassed, just as I had been when he caused me to faint in the middle of the corridor. Now all I had to do was give it to him, which should be simple.

Quinn may be a Ravenclaw, but he was an idiot when it comes to people skills.

I cackled to myself as I got myself ready to launch the elaborate revenge plan.

Oh, now I couldn't wait.

Who am I kidding? I could wait forever if it meant I got the revenge I deserve.

I paused, that didn't sound like me, that sounded... cruel. Suddenly, I was unsure if I wanted to do this to Quinn, if this was really me talking or if it was the hidden Black Madness taking over. I was just about ready to back out when someone came up from behind me.

"What are you-"

I screamed loudly, having not prepared for the sudden sneak-attack. Before I could stop my revenge scheme, the metaphorical ball started rolling. It ended in just about the best, yet worst way possible.

Professor Quirrellmort stood in the entranceway to the Great Hall, and his turban was officially rainbow-colored.

I felt a bit of dread fill me as I watched Quirrell's eyes flashed red, but I also felt a bit proud to have pranked the one and only Voldemort.


I turned my head, only to see the one and only Quinn standing behind me.

He was staring at Quirrellmort blankly, as if he couldn't decide if he liked the prank or not. He was far too analytical to truly enjoy the art of revenge.

"Er, hello," I greeted awkwardly, failing to play it cool.

"You, uh, do know who that is, don't you?" Quinn finally asked as he glanced down at me in confusion.

I looked at him back with a furrowed brow. "You mean Professor Quirrell?" I asked, equally as confused as he was.

Quinn forced a smile at me. "Right, him."

Yeah, I was doomed.

"Mr. Malfoy, this is completely unacceptable!"

I felt myself pale as I looked at my furious head of House, who was storming toward me.

Professor McGonagall was definitely pissed, and she would probably smite me for getting caught doing what I had done.

"It'll wash out!" I said, you know, like a liar.

Quinn, probably seeing through my lie, had the audacity to snicker.

"He helped!" I pointed at Quinn. If I was going down, he was going down with me.

Quinn gave a scandalized look at my accusation. "Ma'am, I must deny those untrue accusations!" Quinn dramatically cried.

However, I, the everskilled Malfoy, could do better. "You think I, a Gryffindor, could pull off such an invention when say, a Ravenclaw like yourself, would have the knowledge to successfully pull it off better?" I asked sarcastically.

"Enough you two! Both of you have a week of detention, and 50 points from both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw," Professor McGonagall said sternly.

Outside I put on a solemn facade, inside, I was celebrating for getting revenge, no matter how small, on Quinn. Even if that little part of me feels guilty for it. I really needed to do something about my Black Madness...

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