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True to my word, Harry did something stupid.

I swear, you can't take that boy anywhere without the fear of him being some kind of fool. That's not to say that I don't care for him, because I do, but sometimes I do wonder if the universe is against him.

Anyway, back to Harry's recent predicament…

This idiot decided to stand up on his broom and swallow the snitch. Of course as soon as I was able, I dragged the imbecile to the Medical Wing, ignoring his protests. Of course, Madam Pomfery thanked me then proceeded to check over Harry.

“I suppose I should start learning healing spells. Merlin knows I’ll need it dealing with your idiocy.” I told him.

Madam Pomfrey, having caught my comment, scoffed. “All the advanced healing books are not available in the library, and you won't be able to freely use the potions lab unless you're training under me".

I thought about that, would it be worth it? I decided, yes, it would.

It wasn’t like Harry was going to stop getting hurt.

“And if I decide to train under you?” I asked.

She looked at me in something akin to winning an award. “You’d have to give up all of your free periods,” she warned.

I nodded, as it was probably for the best anyways.

-Time skip-

I didn’t run into Milo again until late February. By then, I had nearly thrown something at all of the Quidditch players.

It wouldn’t be that bad if they only got hurt during matches, but these idiots get hurt during training.

I took up Madam Pomfrey's motto, ‘Don’t ask questions that the answers could make you hit the patient’, as my own after a single day.

Milo, as it turned out, had been bitten by a feral owl.

“I cannot believe your stupidity,” I muttered, checking for infections that might be hiding. After checking, I healed the wound.

“You’re a good healer, Fen,” Milo said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes and smacked his hand. “Next time you feel an urge to pet a bloody wild owl, don’t.” I scolded, he nodded, rubbing his hand where I hit.

Fortunately for him, and unfortunately for me, we were interrupted by my brother.

Upon seeing nothing wrong with him, I narrowed my eyes. “Is something wrong, Draco?” I asked, placing fake concern in my voice.

He gave me a glare before speaking. “I heard that you’ve made friends with the Reign girl," he sneered. I looked at him in confusion, causing him to explain, “She’s a Half-blood from what I heard. Her father's a mudblood, you shouldn’t associate with those kinds of people.” He sniffed.

“First of all, you do not get to tell me who to be friends with, you arrogant git. Second of all, what's it to you? I heard from a little bird that you tried to befriend Harry, whose mother is a muggleborn," I taunted.

He paled, and was for once, silent. He quickly snapped out of it and scowled. "Just wait until I tell father about what you said to me."

Milo, who had been silently watching until that point, looked like he had enough. "Leave Fen alone, he’s not doing anything to hurt you.”

I was personally offended by his implication and impressed at his boldness.

“Draco, just leave, you’ve already pissed me off. You can tell Father for all I care, but leave my acquaintances out of it,” I snarled.

He looked at me in shock before giving into that nasty smirk again. “So Quinn and Potter are just your acquaintances?” He taunted.

“Leave them out of this!” I spat, feeling my anger rise.

Milo stood up and went in front of me.

“Leave. Or you’ll regret it,” he hissed.

Draco paled for an unknown reason, then bolted out of the room.

Milo turned around to face me, clearly about to say something.

However, I glared at him. “I’m more than capable of looking after myself,” I said, bitterness clear in my voice.

He winced, clearly not expecting my reaction to be so harsh.

“I only wanted to help,” he said, weakly.

I didn’t give him a response.

He just sighed then left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

It didn’t take more than a couple minutes for me to regret what I did.


(Ps. The next book is already in progress, it'll be called Serpens Star)

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