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Ava's POV xxxxxxxxxx

"What if we have plastic silverware, it's never been done before." I offer with a laugh.

"Oh yes and paper plates too." Lily sat on my bed surrounded by a million papers.

"And BBQ too, how fun would that be?" We have been trying to organize the rest of the ball now. Yesterday me and Lily planned a lot of things, but the ball is tomorrow and I'm starting to get worried. Shouldn't this stuff have been settled on months ago? I also still don't have a dress. The dress shop people actually came into my room and had me try one also to every dress in the shop yesterday and today, but I didn't love any of them. This could be the only ball I ever go to, I want it to be special.

After that, me and Lily have chosen the music list, table cloth, curtains, wines, lights, and a bunch of other things. I have to admit it's been fun hanging out with her, it feels like we have known each other forever. Mason never came back yesterday, Lilly said he had pack things to attend to, but it was still disappointing not to see him.

"Alright well, it's getting late so I should go." Lily stands up to leave and as I was helping her pack thing away in the huge binder the door opens. I didn't have to look up to know it was Mason.

"Hello, beautiful." He hummus putting his hands on the railing surrounding the bed. He seems happier than usual, and stress-free.

"Mason, I'm your mother. That's inappropriate." Mason gives the most disgusted look I've ever seen in my life and I couldn't hold back a laugh. His face relaxes into an easy smile.

"Did you find a dress today?" He asked as he started helping us with our papers. So many trees died for us to staple pictures of rugs onto them.

"No, I didn't love any of them."I sighed and leaned back onto the bed. His eyebrows furrowed together and he glanced at his mom who was still putting this in her purse.

"Mom, why don't you let Ava look at your past ball dresses? You never wear the same thing twice, it would be a waste not to use them." She stopped what she was doing and then slowly nodded.

"Yes, that's a good idea, ill text Alexis and see if she wants to join us so she can also pick one out." Mason must have seen the puzzled look on my face,

"Lex is my sister." He explains. This made me more confused. The princesses did have a dress to the royal ball that was in less than twenty-four hours. Is everything so last minute with this family, Well I suppose when you can have anything you want at the drop of a hat why would bother getting anything early and risk changing your mind? I noticed both of them staring at me and I hurry to get up. My body was still sore, but the doctor was right everything should be healed by tomorrow. Rose still hasn't woken up, probably because it takes so much energy to heal the both of us.

"Here let me help." Mason comes over and grabs me by the waist, he picks me up and slowly puts me on my feet. His body heat hugs me like a blanket and I try not to lean against him. He guides me to the door his hand never leaving the small of my back. Once we are outside w try heading left into the elevators. The air felt suffocating, being trapped in a small compartment with masons scent has me thinking in pure thoughts. Like how easy it would be for him to tear off these paper think hospital shorts, his face when he realizes I'm not wearing anything under them. How to want him to kiss me from my collar bone all the way down until his tongue reaches my-


We step off the elevator, I'm breathing heavy and my head is getting lighter. Mason grabs my hand and starts rubbing tiny little circles on the back of my thumb. Feeling my hand rest perfectly in his soothes me, he starts to walk slower matching my pace. We push through the huge door of the hospital. My head is so cloudy I don't even realize his mother walking to her own car and Mason opening the door for me to get into his. Once I'm in I close my eyes and try to control my breathing. This is very hard considering it's Mason's car which means his scent is ducking everywhere. A rush of cold air hits my face and I let out a deep breath leaning my head against the vent. After five minutes of breathing, I finally open my eyes. We haven't moved and Mason is rubbing my back.

"Are you ok now?" He says in a smooth and calm voice.

"Why haven't we moved yet." I looked up at him. A worried expression took over his facial features.

"I wanted to make sure you weren't going to throw up in my car, it's leather." A small smirk tugs at his lips.

"Yea I'm fine, everything's fine," I said sitting back in the chair. His hand drops from my back and a cold empty void fills the spot. I hear him scoff.

"I didn't get that ring just to help you, ya know. I got it so it would be easier for me to tell when you're having an attack." He starts the car and whips it in reverse.

"Wait so you got me a ring so you could tell when I'm literally dying. Why?" Why would he care so much about someone he doesn't know? My heart swelled because he went through all the trouble.

"Just in case you decided not to leave me" He states. We are driving down a long gravel road, dust flying around us as we get closer and closer. My stomach sank at the way he worded that. It felt Like someone took a dagger called 'your a bitch' and plunged it into my heart.

"Why did you go we, my parents?" I say in a pointed tone crossing my arms over my chest. It was a violation of privacy and he had no right to go and do it on his own. He took his eyes off the road to glance at me.

"I didn't go there to meet your parents, by the way, I went there to talk to your alpha about the trade we've been talking about for the last couple of months. your parents were talking to him about enrolling Jackson into school. I didn't tell them we were mates. This brings up my next question." we sit there in silence for a minute. I can see he is in deep thought. He keeps rubbing his hands over the steering wheel, drumming his fingers on it. "Tomorrow at the ball can I tell everyone I found my mate?"

He gave me a worried look like I was going to say no. I don't know what I'm supposed to say, I haven't decided if this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I was supposed to see how it does not have a decision made already.

"I don't know, mates are supposed to hold and, and kiss." Mason pressed his lips together like he was trying not to smile.

"And we could never do that." I blush as I remember we have done that, multiple times. He parks the car in front of a huge house. And I mean huge.

"Just think about it ok." He says as he steps out of the car and walks around to open my door. I just nod still gaping at this so-called house. We walk in and I'm amazed. Windows from the ground to the floor, green plants covered every open area, and natural light flowing in making the room look open. I follow Mason up the spiral staircase and enter a giant room full of clothes.

"I'm sorry for the mess this used to be a guest room, but I've converted it to my dress room." Ugh, eat the rich. I smile and nod politely. "You can start over there and me and mason will look for you a dress over here." She takes Mason's arm and basically drags him over to a rack of blue dresses. I walk over to a rack of deep green dresses deciding to go with a long dress. I hear the click-clack of someone's heels and the next thing you know the bedroom door swings open.

"Where is she?" I hear a girl's voice yell. I walk out from behind a rack to see a stunning woman. She had long black hair that reached her mid-back and the second most beautiful pair of brown eyes I've ever seen. She stood tall and lean with freckles scattered across her nose. She notices me staring and walks over to me.

"So you're the one who wanted to reject my brother, why? Is it his ego, his stupidity, or the fact that he pees in the shower?" I scrunch my nose and laugh.

"It's because all his underwear is blue." she gasped her hand shooting up to her mouth as she turns around. Marching up to Mason.

"You still wear blue underwear?!" She looks at him in disbelief.

"Blue is a very manly color." He says in defense raising his air in surrender.

"Please tell me you've bought new ones over the years" she pleaded.

"Its underwear, just wash it." Does that mean he's had the same size di-

"You're disgusting." She says as she turns back around interrupting my thoughts as she extends her hand out to me.

"I'm Alexis, the brains, the brawn, and the beauty of the family." She says as she flips her hair over her shoulder. I laugh and shake her hand. "Let's get started shall we."

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