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Ava's POV xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I sat there stunned for what felt like ages. There was only one thing running through my mind. He told his mom about us. Now she probably hates me. Of course this would happen to me. When I finally decide this is what I want to do. I want to bury my face into the pillow and hope I suffocate.

"You told you mom?" I looked over at Mason who had a tint of pink on his cheeks, refusing to meet my eyes.

"He didnt have to. It was pretty obvious. One moment he barges into my office declaring he's found the love of his ice and the next he going out with Ashly." I stare at her in utter shock and embarrassment.

"Im so sorry your highness. I just felt like I wasn't good enough and that no one would acc-" I try to stutter out a decent excuse. Before she puts her he out to stop me.

"Darling, I know, I know. I was the same way when I found out what I was destined to be. I was going to let my son handle this on his own, but here we are. In a hospital." A playful smile crosses her lips and makes a weight lift off my shoulders. Mason clears his throat.

"Mom what are you doing here?" Im glad he asked because I was also curious has to why she bothered to stop by. She then pulled out a big binder out of the the side satchel I didn't notice she was wearing.

"Well I have a ball to plan, and Ava cant leave this room. So I figured it would be a good time to get to know my future daughter in law."

"By forcing her to help you plan a party?" his mom just shook her head and sighed. Her future what? Did he not hear what she just called me?

"By letting her get a little taste of luna life. She can still reject you, if she decides this isn't what she wants." I feel Mason tense up beside me. It was bad enough that they are talking about me like I'm not in the room, but now they are having a odd staring contest. Probably mind linking each other. I think I would actually like together know his mother, my queen. A chill ran down my spine thinking about it. I shift uncomfortably in this bed wishing I had canine to fight my headache.

"Its up to you Ava, she wont do anything you're uncomfortable with." It looks like Mason is. Now glaring at his mom while she stands patiently at the foot of my bed.

"Yes I can help, under one condition." Mason raises an eyebrow. "You have to get my an iced coffee, Carmel and whipped cream extra Carmel."

"You like that stuff? But its so-"


"Disgusting" we say at the same time.

"Of course you don't like anything thats actually good." I shake my head.

"Of course you would like anything with sugar." A smile tugs on his lips.

"It's called having taste." He snorts out a laugh.

"I didn't know thats what they were calling type two diabetes these days." My mouth fell open as I try not to laugh. I hit him in the arm and he chuckles. Someone clears there throat and her highness is still standing there with an amused look on her face.

"Darling go get her a iced coffee, and me a tea." She says in a pointed tone walking over and practically pushing Mason out of his seat taking it for herself. Once he left the room an awkward silence fell onto the room. His mom kept staring at me with a sickly sweet smile hat add me want to punch her. Is that a bad thing to say?

"Can I take a look?" I gestured to her book. She nodded and handed it to me. I opened it and wow there was a lot. The book had different section and each section had colors, fabrics, guests lists, table wear, food. It made my head worse poking at all of it. I sat up farther pulling the book onto my lap.

"These are details from all the balls in the last ten years. We don't want to replicate anything, after ten years we allow the ideas from that ball to be considered again but with different details. E want each one to be different even of they are similar." He explain. That sounds hard theres only so many different colors, and yet it seems like different shades of red and cold win almost every year. Theres only a few balls were blue or purple was the dominate color.

'Your highness, why are most of them red?" I was touching silk swatch's for table cloth.

"Oh please call me, call me Lily. And thats because everyone looks good in red. It seems to be very popular with everyone and the mothers always ask for it."


"It allows them to hand down dresses in their families. I suppose everyone wants to match the colors of the ball so they buy red dresses and then give them to their daughters to wear. Its quite sweet, but as you can see there's only so much we can do with red." I thought it was odd that everyone would match the ball. Wouldn't you want to stand out, to be different than everyone? Also what if the dresses the mothers hand down aren't red, what if they fell in love with a blue dress and has just been waiting for another blue ball to happen?

"Why don't we make it black?" I tear eyes off the music list when I realizes she hadn't said anything. Her eyebrows were knit together and her mouth was slightly open. Dang it, is black a cursed color or something. Well I know black cats are but they are so cute. Is she offended by what I said, is she going to have me beheaded?

"I- Well uh- I just mean if it was black then everyone could wear what they want. Black complements all colors, so if mothers want to hand down a different color dress then his allows them to." She stayed silent letting my anxiety rise even more. "Or white will also do the trick but last year the colors were a pastel pink and white with a floral set up so I figured black would be a good contrast." She made eye contact with me and a smile curved onto her cheeks.

"You are going to be an amazing luna." She patted my hand and my heart fluttered while my eyes filled with tears. I was about to thank her when the door opened and Mason walked in with Starbucks. He walked over to us and raised an eye brow at me. Like he was trying to ask if I was ok, I nodded at him.

"Here's your abomination." He hands me my drink. Our fingers graze against each other and I feel a warm sensation spread throughout my body.

"You're just mad that I like this drink more than I like you." I looked away so he wouldn't see the blush creeping onto my face.

"Not fair competition." He crosses his arms over his chest and glares at me. I laugh and hold out my hand. He stares at it for a long while before he dabs me up.

"Did you just-" I start.

"yea its what you wanted."he looked at me like it was obvious.

"Straw, I wanted a straw" his face gets noticeably red while he grabs the straw from the Starbucks bag.

"Here" he mumbles and throws it at me. I gasp and hold the shoulder that the straw hit.

"Im filing for harassment" I say rubbing my shoulder like it hurt trying to hold back a laugh.

"Wha-"He began to say but Lily shot up and hovered over me putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Oh you poor dear, I cant believe he would do something like this to you" she was also holding back a laugh.

"It hurts, it huuurts" I start to wallow, thrashing in my bed.

"You've got to be shitting me" I see him pinch the bridge of his nose and sigh.

"The only way you can make her feel better is if you get her the best dress for the ball." My mouth almost hit the ground. That was not my plan at all. I just wanted to give him shit. I gave her a questioning look and she winked at me.

"I see a white light." I say in the best dying voice I could manage. I could hear him chuckle. Then I see him reach for his phone and start texting.

"Ok the dress shop should be here in an hour" He looked up at me "And you can pick whatever you want, IF you eat." He hands me the Starbucks bag and inside was bagels, muffins and protein bars. He leans over and kisses me on my hairline.

"Ill be back tonight, sweetheart." He whispers in my ear before he leaves. His breath travels down my back leaving goosebumps. All I could manage to do was nod before he left the room. The beeping machine going crazy beside me.

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