Racer 2 - Kim Chaewon

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Your P.O.V.

"Come on, you can go faster than that!"

I watched as Sakura yelled at Chaewon, who was riding her motorcycle on the tracks. As soon as she passed the finish line, I pressed on the stopwatch and showed my sister the results.

"Okay, this time is 2 seconds faster." she nodded.

Chaewon removed her helmet and walked back to us, immediately grabbing the bottle of water and chugging it all down her throat in one go.

"We need to work on the curves. I'll teach you a new technique after a short break." Sakura told her before walking away.

From the corner of my eye I can see Chaewon lying down on the bench after removing her leather jacket.

"Need more water?" I asked her.

"No thanks. I'm not that tired yet." she replied with her eyes closed.

"Okay then. I'll just go and check up on my sister--"

"Don't go yet." she cut me off just as I turned around.

"Why? You need something else?" I asked again.

"Yeah, the sunlight is hitting my face too hard. Come here and cover me." she demanded.

I sighed a little before dropping my things on a bench and going over to stand in front of her. Once she was devoid of any sunlight, a smile spread on her lips.

"Good girl." she mumbled.

I felt a little tickle in my chest from what she said, but I brushed it off by clearing my throat.

"So what am I now, your slave or something?" I asked.

She opened her eyes and just stared at me for a few seconds before replying.

"Don't worry, little Miyawaki. This is the last time I'll be racing anyway."

"I have a name." I told her.

"I know. But I like little Miyawaki better." she chuckled.

"So you're saying that you don't like my name?" I scoffed.

"I didn't say anything. Y/n is beautiful." she quickly defended.

"Why, thank you. I know I'm beautifu--"

"I meant your name." she cut me off.

My smile immediately dropped as I gave her a stern glare.

"Kim Chaewon, you better be thankful that I like you. Because if not then I would've--"

"You like me?" she quickly sat up and looked at me with wide eyes.

"No! I mean, not in that way! I meant, I like you as someone who I idolize. You're the coolest biker I know and I like you for that." I explained.

She narrowed her eyes at me and crossed her arms. Did she not believe what I said or was she annoyed?

"Why did you get so defensive? Liking someone is not a sin. Especially liking me." she raised her chin and huffed.

"Don't get me wrong there, Cheetah. I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea." I said.

"Sure. Like it's not obvious that you've been blushing everytime I talk to you." the grin went back to her face as she talked proudly.

This girl..

"I blush because it's hot." I lied.

"Sure. Do a better job convincing yourself, little Miyawaki." she stood up and brushed her palm against my cheek before walking away.

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