Coincidence or Fate? - Miyawaki Sakura

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Sakura's P.O.V.

"Doc, she's here again."

"Let her in." I told my assistant nurse before going over the records of my patients.

When the door opened and the loud footsteps echoed in my clinic, I looked up and immediately smiled as soon as I saw who it was.

"Kkuraa~" the little girl cooed as she ran to me.

"Hey there, little angel~ How have you been?" I softly asked while giving her a gentle embrace.

"Fine." she answered.

"Really? What brings you here then?" I teasingly asked.

"Oh, uh... my head hurts." I watched as her smile faded and she visibly frowned.

I held back my laughter and led her to take a seat across from me. As soon as I was seated back in my chair, I took out a scrap paper and held my pen.

"Yoona, aside from your headache what else are you feeling right now?" I cleared my throat and put up a straight face.

"My teeth too..." she mumbled.

"Is that because you've been eating candies a lot?" I asked.

When she smiled sheepishly, I chuckled and wrote something on the paper.

"Is there something else?" I asked with a small smile on my lips.

"Uhm... My stomach hurts too..." she added.

Now, I couldn't help but laugh since she probably meant that she was hungry. So I took out something from my bag and handed it to her.

"Wow! A cheesecake!" she cheered before quickly taking the food.

"This is the last time that I'll be letting you eat something sweet, okay?" I told her.

"But, whyy?" she asked while putting the food in her bag.

"Because your teeth will keep hurting if you eat candies and sweets, little angel." I playfully warned her.

I ripped the paper out, folded it, and gave it to the child.

"You give this to your parents when you get home, okay? And don't try to read what's inside." I instructed.

"But my parents aren't home. Didn't I tell you this already before?" she disappointingly said.

"Oh, right... Then give this to whoever is with you at home." I chuckled.

"I will! Thank you again, Kkura~" she then waved before happily walking out of the room.

Once the door was closed, I sighed and laughed to myself as I shook my head. I don't know why the little girl keeps coming back here, or how she even travels all by herself.

It all started a few weeks ago, when one day my assistant nurse was busy and my door was suddenly opened by a young girl. At first, I thought she was here with a patient, an adult to be exact. But after me and the nurse asked around, there was no one who knew her.

The child claimed that she just went here because she wasn't feeling good and wanted to see me. I even checked her health, but she's all fine. However, she kept coming back despite that.

At first, the nurse told me to stop entertaining the kid. But I didn't really think too much about it. The girl was sweet and I eventually got attached to her.

Plus, she kept calling me with this familiar nickname. Instead of calling me "Doctor" or even just my name, she just went ahead and used a nickname that was special to me. But she's still a child and probably didn't know what she was doing, so I just let her be.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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