In The Middle Of My Room

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Maui, Hawaii
Valentine's Day,
Monday, February 14, 1983

(10:00 am)


"So if you find a buyer quickly for the property in Brentwood, we can just roll that sale over to the cost of this new property, and building can begin as soon as we get the proper permits."

Lindsey was standing on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean, looking out at the property he was about to purchase through a pair of Oakley sunglasses and trying to contain his nervousness and his happiness together in front of John McVie, whom he'd brought along with him for the trip out to the land today for moral support when he signed the papers. Mick was waiting on a barstool in town nearby for them to arrive so they could have lunch and drinks - not necessarily in that order -  and celebrate the fact that Lindsey would be joining the ranks of the Fleetwood Mac men and having a house built in Maui to live in with the woman he loved. Mick had moved in with Sara in 1978 but disappeared to Africa for awhile on his own personal quest, mostly for alcohol and cocaine and answers to the spiritual side of the grief he held onto for his father, bringing Sara to live with him in Maui after her divorce as well as his own from Jenny. John's marriage to Julie that same year had turned him into just a bit more of a domesticated man but he still did call California his home many months of the year, hanging onto his house in Maui to be close at times to the tall, crazy English drummer whom he'd called his best friend since he was eighteen years old.

And today, because it was Valentine's Day, Lindsey had flown in on a little fourteen-seat plane that had made his stomach do almost as many flip flops as the sweet, adorable, beautiful girl for whom he was buying the property, just so that when he signed the papers and surprised the love of his life when the time was right, she'd see that he'd bought the property on February 14 and she'd understand that this was him proving to her that he loved her, that she was not an option as she'd always said she thought he made her but his future...his life...and he could hopefully pull her out from the clutches of a life that wasn't working for her and bring her home. Here, on this property, he would uphold his promise, a promise made one morning in a tiny kitchen on her birthday, the day she turned twenty-four, standing in the kitchen waiting for her annual blueberry pancake birthday breakfast and wearing the Rolling Stones t-shirt they'd traded back and forth for years. He was going to bring her to Hawaii and build her a kingdom in a house on a hill, and he he was going to rescue her and bring her home.

Stevie was home. Stevie and her tiny hands and her fluffy golden hair that looked like rays of sunshine splayed out on the pillow as she slept, her little smile that made her tongue catch between her teeth and her nose crinkle, her volumes of notebooks and the little voice she used only on dogs and babies, her piano playing without changing in regular time that made her songs magic, her sweet little sighs in bed at night as he held her and she tried to fall asleep, her adorable giggles and her throaty, raucous laughter, the way she was so surprisingly ticklish, the little whimpers she made when he made love to her, the way she twirled like a ballerina, her big, beautiful brown eyes that made him forget anything and everything that wasn't his love for her whenever he looked into them. Stevie had provided him with a home for years when they had nothing. She'd gotten up every day and waited tables, scrubbed Keith Olsen's house till it shone, wrote and sang and recorded with him into the night, cooked his meals on almost no money, made their home space clean and beautiful, and then climbed into bed beside him every night and treated him like he was somehow the miracle! It was all Stevie...Stephanie...his angel...and enough was enough. It was time to bring her home, to give her the home of their dreams.


Los Angeles, California
Valentine's Day,
Monday, February 14, 1983

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