Chapter Eleven: It's a Date?

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Lumine snuck up to her room and began to prepare herself...physically, that is. She picked out a flowing white shirt complete with a light blue plaid skirt. Of course topping it with a cropped fluffy jacket. As for hair, that wasn't a huge deal. Lumine put the flower that Xiao had given her in her hair gently. But before she could leave, Aether stepped in. "What do you think you're doing?"
"...Going out."
"This late?"
"Yes...the evening is quite beautiful."
"Are you going by yourself?"
"No...I'm going to meet Xiao. We just wanted to meet up at the Favonius Park. Is that alright?"
"...Fine. Be back before anything bad can happen."
"Already planning on it. You worry too much!" Reluctantly, Aether let his sister leave to meet his friend.

Meanwhile, our beloved Xiao was waiting anxiously by a street light. It wasn't extremely dark though it was getting that way. The sun was just about to set which was part of the reason why they had chosen that time. It was about to turn into the night before Lumine got there. "Xiao!" She called as she ran over, startling him.
"Oh. You actually made it. Good evening."
"Of course I made it! I wouldn't want you to be out here by yourself!"
"You're quite sweet."
"Hehe, thank you. How about we start walking? If I remember correctly, there's a walkway lined by trees close by...It'll make more sense when you see it around this corner or the-"
"You're acting like I've never been here before," Xiao chuckled lightly, "It's that way." The two walked to the right and slowly yet surely made their way to the path of trees. It was something right out of a painting with the crisp autumn leafs lining the way. string lights had been struck around trees now and then that just added to the scene. This walkway was quite popular for many romantic dates. It was secluded though was still close by to society. Even the dullest of people could be swept away by its beauty.
Xiao and Lumine walked for a little while longer before they sat down at a table underneath a small pavilion. Slowly, a conversation began to start. "You look lovely. Why did you dress up?"
"I thought it would be nice to look good for you. It is late and I know how much you like to sleep, so I thought I would try and make it all worth it!"
"There's no need. I'm glad to just get away from my stupid step-dad. I already said this, but he is such"
"An asshat?"
"Exactly! I know he means well, but I just can't see it. How could someone so trashy get with someone like my dad?"
"In his defense, Love is a confusing thing."
"No it isn't. You feel attracted to someone and thats it, right? And for family, you're just legally bonded together."
"I wish it was that simple!" Lumine giggled, "Feelings are quite confusing. One moment you can be happy as can be and the next you're as empty as a schools hallways in the summer, y'know?"
"...Changing the subject, is there anything you'd like to talk about?"
"Weak...I'm quite glad I get so spend time with you finally. It's been a while since we were able to hang out. Plus we have our good buddy Aether to thank." Lumine smiled before Xiao could even continue or add anything on. Though he was able to add one thing, "Your laugh is quite lovely."
"What?" She asked.
"Nothing. Do you want to walk a little longer?"
"Sure! I'll just follow you."
The two began to walk. As they made their way deeper down the path, they eventually made it to the famed cliff. Several stories took place here, the favorite being the tales of how the birds managed to fly. With the help of the wind, the birds faced their fears to finally face the heights. Now, Xiao and Lumine were both facing their fears. They sat down at the bench that was intertwined in ivy and stared at the moon. Her eyes twinkled in the dim starlight. It was something small, but Xiao loved the way her excitement was showing no matter what she did. It could be pouring water from the sky and the world could be ending. Lumine couldn't stop having that unique smile. As they sat beside eachother, she gently reached for Xiao's hand. What was he supposed to do? Pull away or stay? Due to his confusion, he simply didn't move. It took a moment for him to grab Lumine's hand in response. For one time in his life, he felt grounded. The world didn't matter anymore, only the present. He was next to the most beautiful people, inside and out. Did he deserve this? No, likely not. Was he happy? Of course. Lumine was having similar thoughts. Ever since she was small, she longed to be by Xiao's side. Maybe it was as a friend or maybe it was something more. Though when nobody got in the middle of their relationship, it was calm. It was serene. Nothing else mattered.

The two sat for a while longer before Xiao checked the time - 9:21. His curfew was at 9:30. Zhongli also wasn't the type to let things like this slide. "I think we should head back. I don't want to be the cause of you not sleeping," he muttered and stood up. Lumine couldn't help but feel a deep sorrow in her throat as she didn't want this moment to end. Nevertheless, it would be terrible to argue with Xiao again. She agreed and followed him out the way they came. The streetlights where the only light shining aside from the moon. It took the two about five minutes to return to the entrance of the park. Before they could say their farewells, Lumine gently kissed Xiao's cheek before running off towards her house. There was nobody around so Xiao clearly was blushing. Before he could do anything more, a car pulled up. Driving that car was nobody other than both Zhongli and Childe. "Where have you been?" Zhongli asked, lowering his glasses. He only wore them at night or when he was home. "Out."
"What were you doing?"
"Walking around the park."
"Why hadn't you came home yet?"
"I was hanging out with someone."
"And who is that?"
"None of your business."
"Xiao, don't make me get out of the car."
"I was with Lumine."
Zhongli was silent while Childe had a smug grin on his face. "Told you so," he nudged. Zhongli let out a sign before instructing Xiao to get in the car. The drive was silent and they didn't exchange any words for the rest of the night. It wasn't clear if he was happy or disappointed in Xiao, but he certainly wasn't upset. As Xiao fell asleep, he thought of Lumine. He had the same thoughts from before, though there was a new one. Fear.

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