Chapter 15

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A/N: Welcome back everyone! Evangeline is back! Woohoo! Thank you guys for sticking with me even thought I was gone. I would like to dedicate this chapter to @grinch_17 aka @cantpromiseyou. She has been sticking by this book through the end, well the last chapter I posted a month ago. Still she is a wonderful person and if you are reading this (@grinch_17), this is for you :D


I got him right where I wanted him. There was no way he was getting out of it. Mark had to tell me everything now. I watched him try to reach the wound I made on his back. I smirked.

"You're an angel, aren't you?" I asked him.

Mark nodded slowly.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

He was silent for a while. I reached for the journal that was on the bed an d showed him one of the pages. I showed him a page that had the strange written message on it. He cringed at the sight of it.

"Why are you writing these messages?" I demanded, pointing to the words on the page. "What do you mean 'you're not Theodynis." Mark angrily swiped the book out of my hand. He stomped towards me, his face red with anger.

"Get out, Evie." He hissed, blowing hot air into my face. My body tensed up and I smacked him in the face. His face swung violently to the side and he almost fell back. He tried to punch me, again, but I gripped his fist tightly. Mark tried to challenge my strength by pushing up against my hand. I struggled to keep my balance as I pushed him back. 

"You're Theodynis!" I shouted, shoving him away from me.

"No I am not!" He retorted, grabbing my wrist.

"Get away from me!" I mustered up all the flames I had within me and burned his hand. He screamed in pain and knocked me down with a swing of a fist. I glared at Mark from the floor and struggled to get up. He looked down at me with sympathy and tried to help me. I wouldn't allow it.

"Mark you lied to me!" I exclaimed, setting fire to his room.

"Evie stop!" Mark cried, using his water element to douse the flames. It angered me even more and I made my flames grow stronger. His water wasn't going to stop me.

"You stabbed the Spawn, you were the one that almost killed me!" I screamed The flames incinerated the bedroom and leaked into the rest of the apartment. I heard the fire alarm sound and the distant wails of sirens outside.

"You want me dead don't you, Mark?"

"Please Evie, trust me that isn't true." He begged, trying to stop my flames.

"How can I trust you after what you have done to me?" I hissed. Tears leaked from my eyes as I set Mark on fire. He screamed in pain. I watched his flesh bubble and the skin darken. I tried my best to put a smile on my face. After all he deserved it, but I couldn't. I extinguished the flames and watched as Mark fell to the floor. I heard food step coming into the apartment. Firemen, I thought. I quickly leaped from the window and bolted from the apartment, never once looking back. Mark had destroyed me, that I knew. But one question still remained. If I couldn't trust him, who do I trust?

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