Chapter Three | The Prey

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Don't show fear.

It was one of the biggest rules that Kylo lived by. If you show fear, you appear weak and people loved to mess with weak prey. Criminals didn't care if you were weak, an easy kill is still a kill.

Yet— here Kylo was caught red-handed trying to escape the shop, with wide eyes, almost like a deer caught in headlights. He stood frozen, mid-step, and didn't dare to meet either one of their eyes.

He heard a barstool get pushed back and footsteps slowly approaching him. As the sound of the boots hitting the floor got louder, Kylo started to panic. He didn't want to end up on the news.

"A young man, by the name of Kylo Green was sadly taken from us today. It was another working of Wolf, who seemed to have torn the male in half and even removed his head. We will hear later on from a close friend of Kylo."

As the footsteps got dangerously close, Kylo did what anyone else would in this sort of situation, he ran.

He didn't do much thinking, instead allowing his feet to carry him away. Kylo darted towards the back of the café, pushing through the door and entering the small kitchen area. He swung his arm across the counter leaving a huge trail of a mess in hopes to slow either one of them down if they did decide to chase him.

Kylo stumbled a bit, almost falling on the back door, as he quickly grabbed the door handle and threw the door open with all his strength. The male darted down the familiar alleyway, the rainwater splashing with each step and wetting the bottom of his jeans as it did.

He was glad the rain had mostly cleared up, the lightning and thunder remained, flashing in the sky and adding to what felt like a true-life horror film.

After taking a few quick turns around the well-known alleyway, he had successfully entered a desolate street, with old strip malls and one of the popular bars at the end. He could hear the loud music from the street and see bits of flashing pink and blue lights coming from neon signs outside the building.

He decided it would be best to avoid that area as he had enough human interaction for the night. Kylo turned away from the bar and started to head the long way to his apartment. It would have been quicker to take the pathway where he had to pass by the bar, but he didn't want to run any risk of meeting Wolf or Rave ever again.

"They know where I work!" He cried out to himself, running his hand through his curly hair. He was so caught up in the moment, that thought never came to mind. How could he be so stupid?

Kylo started to plan his funeral, as he realized that he would not make it through the rest of the week, with two villains now aware of his existence. He worked so hard to avoid ever being noticed by anyone, but that all went down the drain within seconds.

He didn't know what he was supposed to do now, there was no self-help book for when you meet two criminals who could kill you in seconds because you wouldn't be alive to write about it.

Kylo headed down the dark road, that had no sign of life on it, which to many would be scary, but since the male had lived here his whole life, he knew which places were safer than they appeared.

Streets that no one ever travels on are safer than most would like to believe. Since it's extremely quiet, you can hear anything so if someone is following you, you can run. The low traffic of people means not many criminals would hang out around here waiting for prey. Most criminals pick streets close to bars and any popular area, waiting for the right move.

Kylo walked down the street, the street lights flickering a bit as he did. The lights gave off a buzzing sound as he passed by each one.

Just as he was turning off the street, he panicked and almost froze in his spot for the second time that night.


And they were close, it sent chills down his spine. How the hell did those footsteps get so close already?

He didn't have time to think about what was going in as he started to run down the street, taking the corner and rushing to his apartment. If it wasn't bad enough, he heard the footsteps running behind him.

Kylo knew it was too late to turn back now, whoever is chasing him, has already locked on to him.

He was officially the prey.

Kylo's anxiety started to build up, his heart racing and sweat starting to form. He was hoping that with his knowledge of the town, he would be able to outmaneuver whoever was chasing him.

He took a quick turn, back into the alleyways, seeing a gate in front of him. He rushed to it, jumping in it and hoisting himself over it. He dropped down, in a crotched position. Kylo was a bit wobbly but used his hand to hold him, he heard the gate shake, indicating the person was now right behind him.

He quickly stood fully up and was now rushing down the male of alleyways. The male's body was on autopilot, as he took every turn he could. His lungs ached as he struggled to catch his breath and his legs were shaky from all the running he was doing.

Kylo didn't even know it was truly worth it to try and escape at this point, he didn't know who was chasing him and if he could even survive.

When Kylo came in contact with a dead-end he knew he was fucked. He must have gone down the wrong alley and now he was stuck with whoever was chasing him.

He heard the footsteps stop and a loud laugh echo through the alleyway. "You know I always love a chase, but you, you were not easy to keep up with."

That's a female's voice.

The footsteps got closer, Kylo stayed still refusing to turn and face whoever was following him.

When the female finally stopped moving, he decided to peek at who was following him and it was Nix.

Nix was one of the craziest criminals out there, her power was unmatchable. Her trademark was seduction, she would give off this scent that lurked people in and once they fell for her, she would tear them apart, limb by limb. Whoever was under her spell watched with love in their eyes and not a single sound of pain.

It was one of the worse things ever to witness, but it wasn't what made Nix get the reputation of being crazy. It was when she tried to overtake Salem, who didn't fall under her spell and instead tried to take her soul. She was able to escape after releasing her pheromones to anyone close who quickly began attacking Salem, giving her a chance to escape the building with minor damage. Although her skin remained pale and her eyes drained to almost a clear crystal blue.

"Are you scared?" She asked, approaching Kylo slowly, a light pink glow surrounding her as she did. In seconds, a gust of pink glow surrounded Kylo, before Nix was pulled back and away from the male, getting thrown into a wall.

"You never do learn, do you?" Someone asked and Kylo froze, "Don't mess with things that aren't yours."


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