The Ever After

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"I'm just saying you should consider moving out into a bigger house." My mother nags through the phone. It's been the third time this month since she's tried for us to buy a house in the 'beautiful suburban area' near where she lives.

"I told you we are not interested, mom." Dean glances up from his place on the couch in curiosity. I roll my eyes at the phone and mouth 'house'. He instantly knows what I'm talking about. My mother already attempted to convince him too. He smirks and shakes his head, going back to watching the TV.

It's been six months since Dean and I decided to take the next step and move in together. We choose my house since he was living in a tiny apartment. To say that my mother was ecstatic is an understatement. To put in on her words, 'after years and years, I was finally settling down.' I didn't have the heart to tell her that we weren't getting married, just moving in together. Of course, for her, we have been going out for around two years. Which is not true, it's been only one. However, we never told anyone our shady beginnings through HiBoy except for Frida and Sam. So, 'officially', we started dating two months before our second date at my cousin's wedding. In my mom's mind, that means: 'you should get married and have kids.'

"Honey," she sighs, "your house only has two bedrooms. You need more space for when the baby..." And that's where I stop listening to her ranting.

I'm not pregnant, but my cousin Linda just had her baby. Apparently, aunt Sasha has been rubbing in her face her grandchild, and now mom wants one. And instead of bugging my siblings about it, my mother has decided that I'm the chosen one. As if it's as easy as to order take out. Dean and I haven't even spoken about kids yet!

"Mom," I interrupt her, "listen, I have to go prepare dinner now. We'll talk later, yeah?" I don't wait for her to say goodbye before I hang up.

I groan and drop myself on the couch beside Dean. He looks back at me. I can see the inquiry behind his eyes, yet he knows me well enough not to ask right away. I'll tell him when I'm ready. He goes back to the TV. It's some cooking show with contestants that he likes to watch sometimes. It reminds me, oddly enough, of the first time we said 'I love you.'

We had been dating for five months, and he decided to take me to meet Bobby. He had said Bobby was like a father to him and I needed to get his approval. By then, I had already met Sam and the rest of his family. The reason why it took me so long to meet Bobby and his wife Karen was that they moved right after Dean took over the body shop in Lawrence. They had been living in Sioux Falls ever since. That day, however, Bobby was coming over for a visit. The meeting with Bobby overall went smoothly, the man seemed to like me, and so did I. It was after when it happened. I had invited Dean to stay the night, and he agreed. We were precisely watching this same lame TV show when he just stared back at me, and out of nowhere told me he loved me. I was so shocked I couldn't respond for a while. I asked him first what prompted him to say it. He told me he was waiting for the right moment, but then soon realized there was no wrong moment. I questioned if it had anything to do with meeting Bobby, he denied it. Though, I suspect the man did say something to him while Karen and I were in the garden. After we went to bed, I told him I loved him too.

"Mom still wants us to get a house in the suburbs," I finally speak.

"I know," he responds, "and we've told her no. We'll keep telling her no until she gets it." Dean looks back at me, "unless you've changed your mind?"

I shake my head. "No, I definitely don't want a house in that posh neighborhood. It- it's not that..."

He mutes the TV and sits facing me. "What is it?"

I hesitate, I know I can tell Dean anything, but this might be embarrassing if we're not on the same page. However, what I found while doing laundry the other day says otherwise, and it needs to be said. "She has been saying something about a family and I just wonder... do you want one? Kids, I mean" He doesn't say anything and I add, "It doesn't have to be now, I just- eventually."

"Honey," Dean places a hand on my knee. "I love you. I want nothing more than to be with you, and if that includes children, then yeah, I want 'em. And if it doesn't, that's alright too."

My heart beats in my chest erratically. Oh dear god, this man has me weak. "Where does this come from?" He asks.

Ah, here we go. I wasn't supposed to see what I saw in his jean pocket, but I did, and now I can't keep quiet. "Well... I was doing laundry the other day." He looks at me puzzled, "and I- I found something on your clothes," he still doesn't get it, "it was a note," nothing, "from a jewelry store," ah, there it is, I can see the panic in his eyes, "for a ring."

As I finish, he flushes bright red. His face is sheepish. "Yeah- yeah," he coughs, "I was planning on doing this in another setting after we've talked and whatnot..."

"It's ok!" I interrupt, "we can pretend I didn't see anything, and you can ask as you've planned." Dean furrows his brows. "I mean, I just wanted to let you know we are on the same page here. If you still want to be, that is." Dean smiles sweetly at me and I return the gesture.

Then he inclines over and kisses me. His mouth molds with mine for a second before he breaks the kiss. Dean murmurs, "of course I still want, what about you?"

My only response is to lean again and connect our lips. The kiss is harder this time. Our lips dancing before I request entrance with my tongue. He happily grants it. The hand on my knee moves up to my inner thigh. A shiver runs down my spine. I'm still amazed at how a few caresses from this man can get me craving more. My hand finds its way up and down his chest. I don't want to get too carried away, so I separate our lips after that, though I don't move from his embrace. "Yes, a family does sound nice." He smiles, "now, let's go have dinner, shall we?"

"Yes, ma'am."

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