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(Gabriella pov)

Right now me and y/n were sitting in my room watching coralline. (You can change it but i love this movie sm) we were at the scene where coralline is in the circus tent thing with wybie. Y/n was starting to drift off to sleep, i just continue to watch tv.

Sometime later she falls asleep I put the cover on her also Making sure she didn't wake up. I was starting to fall asleep too so I turned the tv off getting in bed laying down next to y/n.
— — — —

(Maya pov)

It's been a few days since we left la, (idk where the premiere was so ima use la) Miguel has been very quiet lately. I asked him what wrong but he just says he's ok. I decided to invite him over to hang out before I leave town to visit my grandparents. He had just gotten here and we talked.

He kept look at his phone, a couple minutes later he went to use the bathroom. He left his phone open so me being nosy I picked it up and went through it. I know I shouldn't have but he's my bestfriend, I saw a contact named y/n. I clicked on it but before I could read their text i heard the bathroom door open. I quickly closed the phone and put it back in its original place.

Miguel came back and we continue to talk and make each other laugh the hole afternoon.

Time skip

Me and miguel were now eating McDonalds while playing monopoly with my older sister.
(Found out she had a sister 2 days after I started this story, her instagram is kaelynerose)
Kaelyn had won 2 times now and I had won 1 time. "WHY AM I IN JAIL?" miguel said yelling But also kinda laughing. We continue to play until miguel had to go home,
I was now in the shower thinking about his and y/n text. Questions had flooded my mind.

Is this why he has be quieter?

Are they secretly dating?

Is he embarrassed by me or her?

Did he still like her?

What if just what if?

— — — —
Cliffhanger? Anyways sorry for not posting I was hit by a semi truck... jk but thanks
For 15k read like I'm currently crying. Also my mom knows about me writing because she
Caught me lol.

366 words

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