010, ʟɪᴠᴇ

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(Miguel pov)

"What the hell miguel?" I said to myself after sending a text to the wrong group chat.
I was now pacing back and forth my room, now she probably things I like another girl.
What am I even thinking she doesn't even know I like her. "Gosh miguel get your head in
The game." I say still in my thoughts till my door opened. It was my little brother. ( idk
His brothers name) "mom said dinners ready" "ok" I said walking out my room to the
dining table. Sitting down next to my mom.
— — — —
(Y/n pov)

"she's just so cute!" "But she's my dog y/n" Gabriella said trying to get her dog out of my
hands "Fine gosh" I said handing Bailey to her. "Thank you y/n, anyways wanna swim?"
Gabriella said petting her dog. "Sure but I don't have a bathing suit here"
"you can wear one of mine and we can go live." "Ok but only because it's hot today."
Me and gabby walked to her room. As we got in she went through her drawers picking
out a colorful but not too revealing. (Here's a picture)

(You can change it and add more colors but this is the best I could find)

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(You can change it and add more colors but this is the best I could find)

I went into her bathroom closing the door and changing into it. I came out soon after
modeling it to Gabriella."you look beautiful y/n!" "Thank you, let go swim!" I grabbed
my towel an phone before walking out Gabriella room into her backyard. I put my towel
on a chair getting in the pool with my phone in my hand. I had put my phone on one of
the pool steps (please know what im taking about because im not sure if that's the word)
while I wait for people to join the live.

Soon the comments started flooding causing me and gabby to read some. "Hi miguel?" I said reading a comment. "Miguel's on?" A couple seconds later I got a request saying official_miguelcazarezmora would like to join the live. "Oo y/n boyfriend would like to join." "He's not my boyfriend! We're just friends." I said clicking something so he could join.

"Hi miguel!" Gabriella said smiling at the camera."hey Gabriella, Hi y/n!" "Hey miguel" "so what you guys doing?" "Swim we were also talking-" "Gabby!" "What? I was just telling him gosh." "Anyway what are you doing?" "Nothing I just got done eating dinner." "Does gabby ship miguel and y/n? I do actually." Gabby said reading a comment while me and miguel just blushed Looking away from the camera.
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437 words!

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