Chapter 0

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The events of this story initials takes place when Ash lost his battle against Snowbell City gym leader. The battle , as we all know was fierce but due to Ash losing even when he tried with all his might , he was disturbed from inside. He decided to take a walk in the forest but was unable to as all he thought on the way is whether he was qualified enough at this point and other thoughts like is he dragging his pokémons abilities down with him?  He sat on a log of wood for a break.

On the other hand, the rest of the team was worried but still decided to give him some time. Everyone was trying to accept the fact of what happened at the gym but 2 individuals present there were worried more than the rest , the two being Serena and Pikachu. Serena decided to go look for Ash and Pikachu accompanied her.

"Ash ? Ash ? Where are you ?"

"Pikaa ! Pikachu ?"

Eventually both of them found a now broken Ash sat on a log with tears in his eyes. Slowly they approached him so that they can try to comfort him.

"Ash , are you okay ? Everyone is worried about you."

"I am fine."

Pikachu just stared knowing that he's not fine. After a brief silence , Serena spoke up.

"Ash you don't look fine at all. This isn't the first time you have lost is it? Why are you so upset about it."

With a low voice Ash spoke up.
"I don't know, every time I lost it felt like I gave it everything I had but this time it feels like I have disappointed my pokemons and friends. Pikachu , whom I promised to never let down ever since we started our journey. Talonflame , my first catch in the Kalos region , Greninja , with whom I share a bond which I cant even explain. I have let all of them down."

"Did we ever blame you ? We know u have tried your best. I know you have lost , of course the outcome was not we want but that doesn't mean that we weren't ready for it. No one of us stopped cheering you did we ? You are the leader here and we will follow up no matter what. We are not just a travel group we are friends , the best of friends. Don't ever forget that now."

Serena explained this to him with a tear in her eye about to cry. Ash and Serena , people who like each other were not able to see their partner cry. And in between all this Ash hears a voice in his head.

"Why are you crying now ? I don’t remember you being this weak."

With a confused face Ash tried to look around only to find his partner - Greninja standing on a branch looking at him.

"I started travelling with you , acknowledging your enthusiasm,  the way to treat everyone and your love towards the same. If one battle can change you , are you sure you are the same as you were back then , don't you still have the goal of becoming the world champion."

All Ash could do at this time was stare at him and remember every time they were together he was crying but this time he had a confident smile on his face.

"It seems you have understood now , I'll take Pikachu back with me , you know what to say to her don't you?"

Ash now with a confident smile knew what has to be done and the fact that it's time to say it. He could not keep those within him any longer and so he hugs Serena lovingly and says:

"I am sorry Serena , I shouldn't have been such a weakling in front of you all. I was disappointed in myself and remembered the time when I lost the indigo league. At that time Charizard didn't looked at me as a worthy trainer and then I tried to make things better with him and now he's one of my strongest pokemon who accepts me. This time when I lost I didn't tried to make things better and that was were I was wrong. I promise you that it shall never happen again and that I'll never leave you all alone ever.

Hearing these words made all the emotions Serena was holding back flow out , the tears she had came out as she revealed her current conditions to Ash and hugged him back.

"I- I- I Know you'll never leave me or anyone else alone but watching you like this hurts me a lot , the cheerful and confident Ash I knew from my childhood , the one who saved me all those time ago , the one with whom I decided to start my journey was breaking down and I was not able to do anything."

"Don't worry about that now , It's because of you that I standing on my own once again and so don't blame yourself anymore."

Holding each other hands both of them stood up with Ash taking the initiative. The atmosphere got silent , the snow started falling little by little as stars in the air around those two. The nearby pokémons were attracted by the loving aura which both of them were giving out and in middle of this -

"Serena , right here right now I promise you that I'll never become what I was today and that I'll take care of you in the most beautiful way you could imagine. Serena , I Love You, starting today will you accept me as your partner ?"

These words when heard by Serena , the girl who like Ash ever Since the day at the camp , the girl who always looked up to him , the girl who decided to change her life and start as a trainer so that she could be with the one she loved , the girl who loves Ash Ketchum , was everything she wanted to hear , letting out her happiness she kissed him in the most loving way.

Ash although surprised knew what is happening and let the situation continue as it was. After their kiss Serena spoke up.

"You don't have to ask me such an obvious question you know. I always wanted to say it but was never able to gather the courage. But , today it finally , although I don't need to say it but , I with every beat of my heart am ready to be yours for the rest of my life."

All this happened while the nature around them was blessing the two. The snow stopped as a new sunshine fell upon the couple and they were ready to go to meet others. As they arrived everyone including the pokémons who were currently having a lunch were happy to see the same familiar face on our Hero. Knowing everything has worked out and based on Pikachu and Greninja's confidence before they didn't decided to go into details.

"You guys sure took your time , well come on , the lunch is getting cold , you don't wanna start training without having a good meal now, do you Ash?"

"Of Course not , lets get started shall we."

As Ash Replied confidently to Clemont's comments things become it did not take long before everything was back to normal. After the meal , Ash and the team decided to train whatever they were lacking previously and after a few days if training , the group arrived at the gym once again , this time Serena holding Ash's hands with a smile saying 'You Can Do It.'

Ash challenged Wulfric once again and after yet another battle of the contestants Ash was able to win the gym batch and everything holding him back were leaving as Ash and his friends began to continue their journey once again.

The story continued as it did in the anime , Ash lost the Kalos league but this time he was prepared for everything. This loss showed him that there's much more for him to learn about pokémons and the world in general.

At the terminal , Serena and Ash both have decided their goals and were about to leave on their own paths. Both of them have already talk about it and decided to meet after an year or two , both with their unique experiences and stories to share.

"I'll see you soon again Ash , Clemont and Bonnie. I'll miss you all so much."

"We'll miss you too Serena , after the journey we had even us siblings have decided to work towards our goal and have learnt the fact that there's no shortcuts and only hard work that pays off in the end. Thanks you both for teaching us such a valuable lesson."

"Don't sweat about it , having you two with us are the reason that we were able to experience all of it. Don't you think so Serena."

Hearing this the two siblings were happy and also sad with tears as they know that the time to say goodbye is here.

"You are right Ash , so don't worry you two we'll make sure to come back as soon as possible."

Saying this Serena hugged Bonnie who was about to cry and calmed her. Bonnie now strong with all things she's been through with the team , hugs her back and thanks her again as Serena starts to go down the stairs.

But as soon as Serena starts going down the stairs she turns back and starts running towards Ash. Catching the team off guard she kisses Ash on his lips in the most romantic way she could think of. Ash , although surprised a bit didn't think about anything at the moment and replied to her kiss with his own passionately. Clemont , who had his doubts about the two from the beginning And Bonnie , a little child both were surprised but were happy about it.

After the kiss , Serena started walking backwards facing Ash.

"I'll see you soon then. Make sure you have stories ready for me."

Ash replied with a happy and confident nod. Even though he didn't he any words at the time , his feelings were completely conveyed to Serena who was equally happy. And after all this , the Kalos adventure came to an end.


The story picks up after almost an year in the Alola region , Ash was currently in a battle with the guardian deity of Melemele island , Tapu Koko in the post finale of the Alola League. The battle was at its finale , everyone present there was ready to see the battle end as both sides have given their all in this battle. Watching a guardian battle while the rest of the guardians watch from above was already a sight to see and if this is done at the end of the Alola League , this was all the people there could ask for.

"Go for it , Ash !!!"

"We know you can do it , Professor Kukui."

"Show everyone what you have learned here and grab your victory."

The crowd was cheering both sides as Ash before unleashing his final attack started to remember all his adventures in the Alola region. Going to a school dedicated to pokémons , having a class full of friends , his first meeting with Tapu Koko , the island challenge and the totem battles , the adventures in the ultra wormhole , saving and taking care of Nebby which also lead to the ultimate showdown with Necrozma in order to save the light of Alola ,  all of this made Ash realise that this is the moment he needs to show everyone how much he's grown. And with a confident smile Ash decided to make his final attack.

"Lets go Pikachu , its time to put an end to the story we have created here , someone is already waiting for it out there after all."

Hearing this Pikachu immediately recognised the person Ash was referring to here and got pumped up in order to give his best here.

"Lets Go , (Z-Move) 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt !!!"

A bolt of lightning was shot up to counter Tapu Koko's Z-Move , Pikachu and Ash gave all they and here while Tapu Koko also unleashed its final attack with a great might.

A huge sandstorm started as the two powers confronted each other and before it settled down completely Ash saw Pikachu lying down but conscious while on the other hand Tapu Koko was gliding downwards as if it had no energy left. As the dust completely settled , everyone present there saw Tapu Koko falling to the ground , fainting.

The crowd cheered with all their might as Ash was still trying to believe the fact that he actually won. Although surprised Pikachu started to cuddle Ash as a smile started to appear on Ash's face. Kukui apologised to Tapu Koko as he believed he was not able to bring it's full potential but Tapu Koko's replied made him believed that nothing was held back here and that Tapu Koko is happy with the outcome. Kukui started to walk towards Ash. As he held him by his hands , he congratulated him and turned towards the crowd.

"I Now Present To You , The First Champion Of The Alola Pokemon League , Ash Ketchum!!!!"

The Crowd's cheering increased as if their tiredness of being in their seats from the beginning began to disappear. The remaining island guardians watching this shared their blessing to everyone present their. This calmed the people present there as Kukui made another announcement.

"As you all know , this is our first pokemon league here in the Alola region , so even though we have our champion it will take some time before the news is released globally , so I would like to ask everyone here to not to share the result anywhere , I want the entire world to know of Ash one day officially and not in terms of any rumour."

People agreed as the rest of the class rushed towards the two to congratulate them. The Pokémons were taken to the Pokémon centre as the talks with everyone was over. After everything was over Ash and Pikachu were in his room staring outside of the window.

"We did it Pikachu , we have fulfilled our promise to her and are bringing home a title. I am so happy right now."

As Ash said these words Pikachu agreed as both of them just stared at the night sky , knowing that they have to leave for Kanto tomorrow to start yet another adventure. Before sleeping Ash did the one thing he was waiting to do all this time , he texted Serena that a huge news and an epic story is coming towards her , ending the text with a love emoji , expressing his feelings at the moment, after all the event which gave him the push whenever he needed was his time spent with Serena and the rest , he could not just keep quiet about it , but there was also the request to not announce anything yet , so he just gave a hint in his message.

Morning arrives , everything was taken care of before leaving as Ash boarded his flight after saying his goodbyes to everyone. Even after all this his class followed his plane to give them a send-off in their own way by travelling on their pokemon showing how much of a great bond they have and that they are ready to welcome him back whenever he wants. Ash realising he has made another family here cried happily as his mother started to comfort him. The Adventures in Alola ended.

While all this was going on , in the Hoenn Region , the competition for the best Pokemon coordinator came to an end. May Maple was the winner while Serena was the runner up. Although sad she was ready for everything as she already know how it feels but also know that this isn't time to give up , someone , somewhere is waiting for her , to hear her story , to hear about her adventures , to hear about her. She gladly accepted her reward and after all the formalities she began making preparations to leave the region and start another adventure, this time an adventure to meet someone waiting for her. Before leaving she checked her messages and replied to Ash's message with a message of her own , that even she has something to share , she wanted to reply to the message last night but she waited for today's result to give the proper message which she just did and now she's more happy and hyped up for her next adventures.


Months after arriving from Alola eventually many events happened which lead Ash and his now travelling partner and friend Goh in the Galar Region to watch the finale of the world championship, a final battle between Leon and Lance, two of the greatest trainers in the world.

The battle went on ferociously as neither of the side was ready to give up. Watching all this made Ash remember the battles he had and still he was surprised watching this. The 'Dynamax' phenomenon was already new to him and add to the fact that it was being used for pokémon battles was everything Ash needed to set his new goal.

Eventually the battle ended with Lance's Dynamax gyarados fainting while fighting Leon's Gigantamax Charizard. Leon was declared as the world champion. The crowd were hyped up as they just witnessed history being written in front of them. People started to cheer Leon and his Charizard while Leon was thanking Lance for the wonderful battle.

"This Is So Great , I Have Decided , I Will , One Day Battle Leon , Defeat Him And Become The World's Monarch."

Shocked and surprise at Ash's declaration Goh tried to calm him down.

"I know you are fired up but this is not easy at it sounds. We don't even know when will the next championship will begin , so hold your horses for now will you."

As Goh was trying his best to convince Ash, an announcement was made declaring that the registration for the next championship will begin tomorrow and anyone and everyone can join. Hearing this made Ash realise of his new adventure as he believed this to be fate and started working on his new goals.

On his way of climbing the ladders of the championship he came across a lot of trainers. He even got to challenge the substitute gym leader of Vermilion City and after winning there he realised that he's gonna see many familiar faces on his way and that he should be ready for anything.

A few weeks later after his match in Vermilion City Ash , in Prof. Ceris lab got a call from his mother.

"Ash , can you come home for a few days ?"

"Sure , I just have to ask Prof and it should be fine , but why so suddenly? Has anything happened there?"

"Don't worry about that , it's a Ketchum family secret and you would only know when you come here. I'll also have  your favourite pasta ready for you."

"The Pasta ! Don't worry about anything else now , I'll be sure to come there. Its been a while already , even though I am in the Kanto Region I don't visit you often , time to change that."

"Thank you sweetie , I'll be waiting for you. Lemme know the day you arrive."

"Sure , I'll try to be as quick as possible. Bye for now mom."

"Bye dear."

After the call , Ash was able to get the permission to leave for a few weeks as due to his help to Professor along with his world champion, he needed a break and the professor was ready to give him that . After telling Goh about this , he left for his home along with Pikachu and his other pokémons , promising Goh that he'll return soon.

Little did he know , he was about to meet his dad after all these years and his elder sister which he knew existed but he was never able to meet her. His life was about to change by a lot and all this will start yet another journey , this time a royal journey.

I hope you all will enjoy the story.

Word Count- 3332 .
We will try to bring next chapter as soon as possible 😁.

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