Bruno x Reader (Won't admit feelings)

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Today I was gonna meet up with my friends and I accidentally slept in. "FUCK, SHIT, HALP!" I ran down the stairs and grabbed a waffle, I ran outside, trying to rush over to "Colo Café", I accidentally ran into someone and fall, "Crap, sorry I didn't" My words slowed down as I see who I ran into, one of the Madrigals, Bruno Madrigal. As you look up at him, I feel a blush creep onto my face.

"Y-You okay?" He held out his hand, "Yeah." "S-Sorry I didn't see y-you..." He's really shy, he's really adorable too..."N-No I should be apologizing, I bumped into you" I check the time, "CRAP, I'm sorry I gotta go, see ya" "Oh bye..."


"Sooo~, I saw you talking to Brunooo~, I also saw you blushing" I said, teasing Y/N. "So? What does that prove?" "You like him, admit it." "No I don't" Y/N said, trying to defend themself. "Mhmm, anyway Colo Café has a new thing on the menu, they have boba!" "*le gasp* really? I've always wanted to try it!" No one here has had boba before (unless they traveled).

(TeM sKiP)

"Bobaaa" Both me and Y/N drooled at the sight of our boba being handed to us. Then, someone sits down with us at our table, non-other then Bruno Madrigal himself, I look to Y/N who's facing down and blushing HARD. "Heyyy~ look, your crush is hereee" "shut uppp" She was redder than my strawberry boba pearls.

We both go sit down and I force Y/N to sit next to Bruno by taking her original seat. They gave me the "HOW DARE YOU?!!" stare. "So uh..what did you guys get?" Bruno asked softly. "*sip* Boba!" I said. "Ooh, new to the menu?" "Yep" I look over to Y/N, "Want to say anything?" Y/N mumbles, "y-yeah the boba's pretty good..."

CLIFF HANGERRRRR~~~ sorry for doing this, but I really wanna write smth else and not continue with this but I will make a pt. 2 if y'all want it ^^

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