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Sanzu was surprisingly quiet. Like silent. Didn't utter a word the whole time that it took to the shops kind of quiet.

So as you were looking over fresh strawberries and other fruits you looked back to where he was standing three meters away. "You okay Sanzu?"

He turned his cold gaze to you. "Fine."

"Screw you too then." You rolled your eyes and placed what you needed in your basket. "Don't know what I've done to you to make you so pissy but you've gotta get over yourself. I've been tolerant enough."

You were being very honest with your thoughts today.

Sanzu twitched, stopping himself from beating you as Mikey's words reverberated in his head.

He cracked his neck before following you to the dairy section. "How'd you get those scars Sanzu?"
You asked, bending to find the cheapest bottle of cream before remembering you didn't have to do that anymore. He didn't respond. "It was Mikey. Wasn't it?"

He let out a scoff. "What?"

"Baji. I was friends with him too."

Sanzu narrowed his eyes, foot tapping against the floor in an irregular rhythm.  You finished up your shopping, smiling and thanking the cashier and followed Sanzu back out to the car.

The ride was devoid of any conversation or noise other than the revving of the engine until you spoke up.

"Do you like cheesecake Sanzu?" You asked simply.

His lack of a response lead you to sigh defeatedly, pulling out a candy bar to break some off and stuff into your mouth.

Back at the house, groceries were unloaded into the fridge and Ran slinked into the kitchen, sitting at the counter and watching as you as you cooked. "You alright angel?" He asked, a soft and genuine question.

"I'm going to scoop out whatever brains Sanzu has with a spoon." You groaned, flipping off the retreating figure with bubblegum hair.

Ran chuckled, plucking a strawberry from a punnet and eating it. "Believe me," he swallowed, "scooping out someone's brains is nowhere near as fun as you think."

Rindou materialised beside you, "Yeah it's pretty messy. But you remember that time you pulled that dude's teeth out with pliers?" He asked his brother you laughed, clicking his fingers in remembrance.

"As much as I love that you're in good moods, I need to be cooking so Mikey doesn't turn me into some modern day Rapunzel." You nudged Rindou with an elbow.

You missed the tight look on Ran's face but Rindou didn't. "What?" The younger asked and Ran glanced at you before ushering his brother out of the house.

"See you in a minute, angel. We're going to hit the beach." Ran took off his shirt and dragged his brother who was in jeans and a singlet.

"Hey, wait no we're not, Ran let go!" His voice dropped off.

You shrugged it off and got to cooking, worries being washed away by the scent of vanilla and strawberries. They came flooding back when Mikey entered, Sanzu trailing behind him like a dog.

"Oh lord give me strength." You muttered to yourself. You fixed a smile on your face. "How's it going?"

Mikey hummed, clambering onto on of the stools and stared expectantly. "Where is it?"

"It's not done. It takes a bit to make." You pointed at it. His jaw clenched and you pulled out a smaller bowl,  filling it with some of the excess base and cream, topping it with a few strawberry slices. You slid it over to him, "the cheesecake has to set. So here, why don't you go for a swim?"

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