Third Enhanced

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"Shhhh. Stop struggling," a soft female voice cooed. The voice echoing through my head. Light orange hair clouded my view. I groaned, my vision blurry. "Shhh, you're going to be okay," the soft voice said.

I felt a cold hand touch my forehead, faint red cloud started to invade my mind. The more it kept trying to invade the more lighter the colour became. It felt nice though, the cold touch on my forehead, it was ... comforting. "Pietro, it's not working on this one," the soft voice whispered, only now did I notice the thick Sokovian accent, different from the constant Russian that was spoken.

It must be one of the other Enhanced. "Wanda, this one is like us," a different voice said, with the same thick Sokovian accent. It sounded male, but I couldn't be sure. "We take this one, she is different than the others," the soft voice said.

Moment's later I felt arms wrap around my legs and back, picking me up. "We need to get to safety," the male voice said.

13 hours later

I was now awake and moving, we moved back to the laboratory as there was no where else to go. I soon came to learn the names of the people who saved my life. Wanda Maximoff and Pietro Maximoff, twins. Unlike me they volunteered for the experiments. The male one had super speed, the female telekinetic and psychic abilities.

I leaned onto Wanda as she tended to my wounds. For the first time I felt ... safe. Snowflake formed around my head and fell into our laps.

Wanda helped me up taking me down the corridors. I subcutaneously walking down to a empty cell, the only objects were a small cable TV, that was screwed into the corner of the room, a cot bed that was pushed up against the wall.

Wanda laid me on the bed, she brought the thin blanket up to cover my chest. My brain was working to keep up with reality. Wanda sat next to me, placing her hand in my head and clearing the thoughts long enough for me to get a few hours of rest.

4 hours later

I woke up, voices were coming from the lab. Getting up I rushed down hoping to see the twins. Instead of seeing the twins I saw Ultron and his 'puppets' working. My eyes locked onto a red headed female that was laying, presumably unconscious on the floor.

"Where are the twins?" I asked, my Russian accent showing. "They took the other side," Ultron said. I walked over to the red head, I bent down and pulled string of hair away from he face. "Away from her," Ultron said. I got up and quickly slipped the gun that was on the table behind my back before backing into the wall.

I watched as she slowly regained consciousness. "I wasn't sure you would wake up," Ultron said. "I hoped you would. I wanted to show you," he said, looking at the redhead as she pushed herself up. "I think a lot about meteors. The purity of them," he said, looking back at his work "Boom! The end," he said, making me jump slightly.

"Start again. The world made clean for the new man to rebuild. I was meant to be new," he said approaching the woman. "I was meant to be beautiful. The world would have looked to the sky and seen hope, seen mercy," he said, the words making my blood run cold.

"Instead, they'll look up in horror because of you," he said. "You wounded me. I give you full marks for that. But like the man said, what doesn't kill me-" his face exploded, making the redhead back into the small holding jail. "Just makes me stronger," the vibranium version of him said, slamming the jail door close and locking it.

I hid back into the darkness as he walked away. Once he left I made my way to the cell, taking a single orange from my pocket. I tapped on the door, trying to grab her attention. When she looked at me I rolled the orange to her, along with the gun. "Contact your friends and get out of here," I whispered before I tried to back into the darkness.

She grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. "Let go of me, I'm trying to help you," I whispered. "I'll watch over you," I said before the snow started floating over my head again. She hesitated before letting go.



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