Little Side

24 1 0

(Marvel's Agents of SHIELD)

I was pulled to the ground, my arms twisting behind my back. I bucked my hips up causing the person to roll off me. My actions became sloppy as my brain became fuzzy.

"No fight, no fight," I yelled, backing in to the wall. I threw my weapons to the floor before running down the alleyway where I was caught around the middle.

I stated kicking and hitting like a child. I started crying as the fuzzy got louder. "Ward, put her down," a voice commanded before I was gently placed back on the ground.

I kept crying as I crawled into the corner, curling up into a ball.

"Hey, it's okay I'm not going to hurt you," a female voice said. I looked at her through red puffy eyes. "But they will," I sniffled, pointing up at the sniper that was on me.

"Stand down," she said. "Can you tell me how old you are you?" She asked, kneeling down, twirling a lollipop in her fingers.

"Five," I mumbled before gingerly brushing my hand over the lollipop. "Can you tell me what you're name is?" She asked, brushing strands of hair behind my ear. I started pulling at my pockets.

I pulled out a silver badge. I looked at it before handing it to her. "You name?" I asked, pointing at her. "My name is agent May," she said, taking the badge.

"Ahh, your name is Y/N Y/L/N," she said. I nodded. "Can you tell me why you are here?" She asked, placing the lollipop in my hands. I nodded, pulling out a pamphlet like paper from my pant pocket.

I handed it to her. "You're doing amazing," she said, passing the paper to Ward. "Can you come with me?" She asked. I made grabby hands at her making her smiled before picking me up.


I sat inbetween Mays legs, playing with a small rubber golf like ball as  she stroked my hair. "Mummy-" I went quiet. Everyone looked at me. I blushed a furious shad of red as tears brimmed my eyes.

"Awww, she called you mummy," Skye said, pointing at May. "Shut it," May said before she picked me up. "Shh, shh it's okay, it's okay," May said, bouncing me on her hip. She walked away from the group and to her sleeping quarters, softly humming.

I yawned before rubbing my eyes. "Are you tired baba?" She asked, bouncing me on her hip. I nodded, my eyes becoming droopy. She smiled as she laid me down next to her. I pulled my self onto her. I attached my mouth to her neck, gently sucking as I closed my eyes.


I woke up slowly. I yawned, pushing myself up. May was gone and the door was open, slightly ajar. I noticed pillows were barricading me in, I huffed before pushing them off onto the floor. I lowered myself down onto the pillows before making a bid for freedom.

I yanked the door open before printing crawling on my hands and knees. I eventually found my self at the bottom of stairs. I started babbling to myself as crawled into a lab looking area.

I was just about the open a cupboard before I was picked up. "FitzSimmons, you should really be looking out, I got the kid," a male voice said. "Coulson, where's May?" A voice asked. "She going to land the bus is ten," Coulson said, cradling me in his arms.

"Can I hold her?" Fitz asked. Coulson hesitated before passing me to him. Just as he started rocking me I started bawling. Crying at the top of my lungs. "Ahhh, take her, take her," Fitz said, passing me to Summons. She started rocking me, gently. My crying ceased as she bounces me on her hip while rubbing my back. Ward entered as I pointed at the big screen behind them.

The SHIELD logo had popped up. "Shoot, shoot, shoot," Simmons said, passing me to Ward before answering the call. "Coulson has told me there had been a slight problem," a slightly familiar voice said. I looked at the screen. Familiar dark hair was visible, I made grabby hands at the screen as Ward sat down, me sitting in his lap.

"Well, yes. As you can see the target has. Well it's called age regressions, people who are usually littles suffer from childhood trauma. It reverts them into a younger frame of mind. For example little Y/N here is 24, but right now she is in the mindset of a five year old. We just don't know what caused her to start age regressing," Simmons said. "What did you just say?" Maria asked. "Age regressions?". "No, her name?" Maria asked frantically. "Y/N Y/L/N," Skye said.

"You found her?". "Yes, is there a problem?" Fitz said. "Yes, there is, have you taken her tracker been taken out?" She asked. "What tracker?"



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