After Martyn had met Mother, him and Yakul had spent the rest of their childhood with her and the other trees. They had both been taught fighting skills and tactics throughout their lives and Martyn figuring out that he was born with strange plant powers, which Mother had taught him to control.
Martyn had never encountered anymore humans after the incident with the hydra, which still gave him chills to this day. However, he didn't plan to get revenge on the hydra. Oh no. His main priority was the ones who had destroyed his life into a million little pieces. The Reficules. Ever since he had gotten a hang of his powers, he had sworn to Mother he would destroy the reficules and avenge those who died for him. Mother had agreed, but had warned him about not being prepared with an army or friends to guide him.
However, he would soon be guided in the right direction when a strange portal appeared. But was it the right direction?
To the ex-prince, it was something new which meant adventure, however to the trees it was danger. They had warned him about another world through the portal, about how machines ruled the world and monsters scavenging the lands. The blonde didn't listen though, he wanted adventure and excitement so the trees allowed him to carry on with his journey.
"Young one, this path may lead you to victory or it may lead to your end. If you wish to go through the portal, i will not stop you but i will warn you." came the elegant voice of Mother as Martyn was staring at the bubbling, purple portal, "Curiosity killed the cat."
"I know Mothe-" he was cut short when two humans came out of the portal and.. another strange creature.
He stood in the tree and watched them quietly as they spoke to each other, one of them much more excited then the other.
"I can't believe we actually did it! Omg! We're actually in the Twilight forest!" came the feminine voice, full of excitement and happiness.
"Why are we doing this for Lalna again?" came the other rough and grumpy voice, sounding less excited then the other.
"Lalna wanted to get another creature's DNA for something, but we have to be there so he won't kill it!" the happy voice replied again.
Kill? What did they mean!? No one was going to kill anyone or anything in HIS home. He wouldn't allow it.
Eventually the two humans left, chatting and holding their swords up high and nets, which angered the spirit. He slowly walked to the portal, Yakul following right behind him making worried noises. Martyn looked over the portal, purple particles flowing into his face and causing him to scrunch his nose.
"They're not taking any of my friends back." he mumbled, moving down to remove the mushroom that created the portal with many other pants.
Suddenly, he heard a low growl behind him and a bow string being pulled. He quickly turned but was too late as an arrow pierced through his shoulder, causing him to scream in agony. He put his hand over the wound as tears trailed down his face and Yakul nudging him and making panicked noises.
He glanced up, vision fuzzy, at the green lizard type thing that was slowly making it's way out of the bushes. In it's hand was a bow and it had a red bandana around his head, similar to his own.
"Prince run!"
"The humans are coming to take you away!
He whimpered quietly, hearing the pounding of footsteps get closer as blood stained his shirt and dripped onto the grass below. He nudged as forcefully as he could in to bushes, trying his best to tell him to stay. He did.
He wobbled slightly, holding his shoulder and hissing in pain as his vision became blurred and black spots dotted his sight. The two humans from before came rushing toward him, the man throwing a net over his head which caused the arrow dug into his arm to move and go deeper.
He once again screamed in pain, slowly falling to the floor as his body became unstable. He fell to the floor with a thud and whimpered as he curled up in a fetal position.
"Be careful with him Rythian! We weren't even supposed to hurt the poor thing!"
"It doesn't matter id he's hurt, Zoey. As long as he isn't dead."
The voices kept talking as Martyn's eye lids became heavier from exhaustion and the world started spinning.
"Do you think Lalna has DNA of... this guy?"
"No. Lalna doesn't have the DNA of a spirit yet."
That was the last thing he heard before darkness swallowed him into an agonizing sleep, however not before Mother's words lingered in his head.
"Curiosity killed the cat."

Story Of InTheLittleWood
AdventureThere used to be a kingdom, a sapling kingdom, full of happiness, laughter, joy and love. However, all of this was destroyed by reficules, along with the kingdom. We watch as the young prince ventures through the Twilight Portal to Minecaftia. He ex...