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"McKenzie you seem distracted, pull it together" my coach demanded.

"Sorry coach Rachel" I timidly replied. she was right I was distracted, but how could I not be I mean mikey was supposed to be back in half an hour and there were a million and two thought rushing through my mind every second. what if he forgets? What if do something stupid? What if, what if , what if? I just wanted class to be dismissed so I could find out the answer to my questions, find out if he forgot, find out where he's taking me. I snapped my self back to reality. Coach Rachel had put us in the cool down stage of our conditioning which meant stretching...thank god. I was so tired and so sore from the past three days, the only thing getting me through was the thought of mikey. fifteen minutes left. we were doing devlopes and arabesques on the bar. Ten minutes left. we were stretching our splits. five minutes left. coach Rachel called us over to talk. "You all understand that conditioning is important right? Because right now I am not seeing each and everyone of you working your butt off like you need to be. get out of here an when you come back on Thursday you need to work harder." she lectured. finally. it was over. I was the first one out of the studio.

"Whoa you're in a hurry...are you not practicing for another 6 hours" coach Matt teased me as I ran into him.

"no way! I have to be out of here soon"

"Wow that's a surprise why?" He called out to me as I was running away.

"I've got a date" I called back. I wasn't looking at him but I could sense his jaw dropping in surprise. I slammed the door to the changing room open, I let my hair down, grabbed my bag and changed into my acid wash high waisted shorts and a white cropped top putting a flannel over it quicker than any costume change I had ever done. I went back out to the lobby to wait for mikey.

"Hey it's kenz, class just got out. text me when you get here:)" I texted mikey. Now all I have to do is wait.

Within about ten minutes Mikey's Car had pulled into the parking Lot. I waited for his text before I walked outside. from the moment I saw him I gave him the biggest smile I possibly could, I couldn't help myself. he got out of the car and hugged me. the warmest hug I had ever felt in my life. his bare arms his white t-shirt. The flannel around his waist. his dark jeans. everything about him made it perfect. And thank god I wasn't under dressed. he walked over and opened the passenger side of the car.

"M'lady" he uttered

"Why thank you so much" I said while sliding into the car. he quickly got into the drivers seat and began to back out of the parking lot.

"So is this gonna be another thing where I don't get to know where we're going?" I questioned.

"Trust me you're gonna love it!" He answered

"I guess so then"

"You look fantastic by the way"

"You're not looking so bad yourself" the sun had just began to set over the Hollywood hills. I assumed that it would be dark by the time mikey and I got anywhere.

"Have you already eaten?" He asked

"Yeah I had some McDonald's in between classes." I said

"Okay good" he ensured. so it's not dinner I guess. We began talking about daily life. I had admired mikey since I first watched season 6 of Americas best dance crew but I was never one of those crazy fan girls who stocked him so I learned a lot before we got to our destination. he had a sister named Nicolette, he was a sophomore in high school and damn did he have a good personality. After taking one final turn he put his car in park. we rested at the top of a cliff over looking LA. We could see everything, the bright lights, the cars, downtown LA and even the studio. he was right I loved it. He looked at me and smiled then got out of the car and walked over to my side. it had only taken about thirty minutes to get here but it was already completely dark out. Mikey opened my door and pulled me out by my hand but he didn't let go. he let me over to the hood of his car and took a seat, as did I. I was speechless.

"mikey this view is amazing, its gorgeous and just so beautiful. i mean the stars and the city-"

"but still not as beautiful as my view" he cut me off. i looked over to see what was different about his view and caught him staring at me.

"How cliche" i teased.

"hey i'm trying here" he laughed "you just make me nervous"

we were sitting close to each other. really close. my legs had somehow tangled themselves into his. our fingers intertwined. there was very little space between us. no dialogue. just deep stares filled with passion and a feeling i haven't had in a long time. we both began drifting closer to each other, until our lips were almost touching.

"Wait." i backed away. "we just met"

"trust me, its okay" he suddenly leaned over me and pressed his lips against mine. he was right, it was okay, it was more than okay, it was perfect. it was passionate. it was something i never had with anybody else. i had only kissed two other boys in my past (not counting truth and dare). It was hard for me to find time for relationships. one because they weren't very important to me, i could never find anyone i really liked and two because i had dance almost every night of the week. anyone else i had ever been with was just a summer fling. but this, this was different. he understood the time issues, he was a dancer too and he made me feel good, about myself and about the situation. he made me happy. i felt ridiculous, i had only known him for half a day but i had these thoughts running through my mind. we were back to our original position. just siting and staring.

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