Family Ties

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Author's Note: Sick cover by @anytimeharold... so amazing you guys! Love to see everyone's creativity!! xx.

Samantha Anderson

As I ran away from Harry, my heels clicked loudly and I bumped into angry New Yorkers. They did that grunting thing that city people did when they were bumped into. I even got a few middle fingers.

But I was too frustrated and annoyed to even care.

Harry was turning into the guy I had always thought he was.

A sliver of me, a very demanding sliver, believed he was different. That he wasn't the same guy I thought he was.

But he is. He is that guy. He's the asshole who sleeps with employees. Just like I expected. I had truly wanted to believe he was different person. But I was stupid, so so stupid. 

Trip's words made far too much sense. They fell into place, clarifying all my doubts about Harry. He wasn't some scared guy who was looking for love that I could change and make whole. No, he was just an asshole.

"Bitch, watch out," some guy said as I bumped into him with even more force than usual.

"Sorry," I mumbled, clutching my purse to my chest. I was freezing and tired and I really just wanted to go home and take a warm shower. The worst part was that I forgot to bring my jacket which made it so much worse.

I wrapped my arms around myself even tighter and began to pick up my pace. In this moment, I regretted not taking Harry's ride. But the second he called me 'Sam' I had to leave. I wasn't prepared to explain the nickname to him

Or anyone for that matter.

The city's streets were filled with people who couldn't give a single shit about me.

In my life, I have never felt so lonely and hopeless. I had made the stupid decision of sleeping with Harry, which left me on the outs with Luke. I could barely look at him. Not only this, but I felt like I couldn't tell Aria all about it. As the agreement had been signed and I had promised Harry I wouldn't say anything.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

That hard place being Harry's dick.

My heart wanted nothing more than for me to take a plane ride to where my parents were living in Arizona and just cuddle up with them. Ever since they left New York, the only people I truly had to depend on were Aria and Luke.

And now I felt too guilty for even that.

There was one person I could call, though. A person who wasn't my parents or best friends from New York.

I reached into my purse and pulled my phone out. I dialed the number I had memorized long ago.



I stepped into the airport, holding one of those cheesy signs you saw in a movie. It had been a day since I made the phone call. It had been a day since I really talked to anyone. Aria was doing something for work. And Luke was in and out of the house, also doing things for work.

It was good though. I wasn't sure how I was going to explain our visitor, but he'd deal.

He always did.

My eyes surveyed the filling baggage claim, looking for the familiar face that was bound to make me feel better about everything I was feeling.

Finally, the face appeared. The face of my dear, dear sister. People were constantly saying we looked similar and that we could be twins, even though she was 2 years older than me.

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