19th Rules: the real knight

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"I'm home."

"Ishi, I made-

*the boy went upstairs as fast as lightning, leaving his brother sentence alone.

*Asahi's POV:

"T-There is no way it was her, how did I never realized this? Is it because I was to blinded by Ikin at that time? But,she didn't know it was me,right? What if she knows? What if- stop questioning yourself,Asahi Ishida!" *he scolds himself infront of his bathroom mirror.

"But if she really is the one who saves me that day... I- arghh,what should I do?! But she looks so sincerely when she told me earlier. Damn,what should I do?"

*he went to take a shower to clear up his mind. (as he should)


Akashi's POV:

'Nitta literally won't shut his damn mouth until he gets the answer he wants. Itta please,leave me alone. I'm mentally exhausted.' *screams inside.

"Akashi Minata, tell me what you did or you won't be sleeping in the house tonight."

"What did I do?"

"How the heck would I know? That's why I ask, you idiot!"

"But, why?"

"Why are you asking me back?!"

"Then why are you asking me?"

"This kid,I swear-"

"What do you want to hear?"

"Where did you go? With whom? What did you do? When-"

"I'll answer one by one,okay? I went to the Academy and met with Asahi."

"What?! Why did you go to the Academy? You're absent right? Can't you wait until tomorrow? To excited to meet your boyfriend?"

"Itta, that's too much."

"What? Am I wrong?"

"100% wrong."

"Nah,you liked it don't you?"

"Since when?"

"Since you tell me you-"

*a pillow fly into the air an attack a certain handsome face.

"That hurts!"

"Serve you right. Oh,by the way, where's Ikin?"

"Probably with her douchebag."

"Are you stupid? They broke up already."

"Then she probably at her friends house or with some guys."

"What's with that attitude,Nitta Minata?"

"I'm not wrong,okay."

"We're talking about our sister here,your tone isn't really-"

"You know what? I don't have the mood to discuss about her."

"She is your sister,Itta. How could-"

"How could I what? Say something like that? Akashi Minata,open your eyes please. She betrayed us,she never cares about us, she's so full of herself,she is selfish!"

"She's a human too, Itta. Everyone makes mistakes,right?"

"Why are you defending her?"

"Why are you arguing about her then?"


"Itta, even if she had done shit to you, she is still your sister.

"Alright,alright,I don't hate her. Happy?"



#a very short chapter for my liking, I'm sorry.
I disappointed everyone, yeah I know :)
I'm terribly sorry.

Author out •••


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