Coffee, Pancakes for Two

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Very much inspired by LouisIsGolden28 's Only The Brave/Habit books, since Louis also has a son there and they're about the same age. I did make up a different name so it wasn't completely stolen, I'm absolutely in love with only the brave and habit, I hope you don't mind me taking inspiration from it.

Just realised that this is probably also a bit inspired by beautifulnightmare2 's You are the Sunshine in my Life with the flowers and all.

"Come on baby, d'you wanna get pancakes?" Louis asked his two year old son who was currently seated in front of the television in their living room, eyes glued to the screen while his dad desperately tried to get his attention.

"Josh! Joshy! Don't you want pancakes?" His kid finally turned his head a bit towards his father. "Papa make pancakes?"

Louis smiled at the adorable voice coming out of his son. "No bubba, we're gonna go to the new flower café next to the park."

"Flowes?" Joshua asked curiously. "Yes bubba, they have loads of pretty flowers there and while you eat you can learn about the flowers and what they mean!"

Josh immediately looked curious but also excited and reached out with his arm for his dad to pick him up.

Louis picked him up carefully and stepped outside to the car. He placed Joshua in his car seat and jogged to the other side of his car to get in behind the wheel and start driving.

They arrived at the café which already looked beautiful from the outside, covered in beautiful roses coloured yellow (joy, warmth and welcome) and pink (admiration, joy and gratitude).

Louis took his 2 year old son out of his car seat, closed the door and locked his car. They walked to the brown, wooden door, which was for once not covered by flowers(just surrounded) so you could still easily enter and find the door.

A little golden bell rang as he entered the café with his son on his arm. Louis let Joshua pick a table in the café, the one he chose was definitely one of the tables that was most surrounded by flowers and it was next to the window, from which the clear daylight flooded the café.

Louis seated Joshua in the kids chair which was stood next to the table and took a seat himself right next to his child and the window so he had a good view of the people outside, but also of the flowers that surrounded the window frame, which were beautiful.

The whole café was covered in flowers including; calla lilies(beauty), white carnations(innocence, pure love, sweet love), clematis(mental beauty), goldenrod(encouragement, good fortune) and way more. Also did all the tables have one flower meant for the costumer seated there. Every table had a different one with a different meaning, each one with a little card attached to it with the meaning. The flowers that the tables had were also all the flowers that you could find through the café, if you went enough and sat at a different table each time, you'll eventually know the meaning of all the flowers there.

Louis and Joshua got a beautiful, big, purple flower, from which the card attached read 'CLEMATIS: mental beauty.' Louis smiled at it while Joshua made grabby hands towards the flower, desperately wanting to take a close look at the gorgeous plant.

Apparently he's taken over my interest in flowers, Louis happily thought to himself while smiling fondly at his son who was being surprisingly careful with the flower.

"Hello! I see you're enjoying the flower you got, can I get something for you to eat or drink maybe?" Suddenly sounded and both Louis and Joshua looked up at the deep voice at the same time.

As Joshua immediately looked down at the flower again, inspecting it, Louis' mouth went dry. In front of him was stood the most beautiful man he's every seen. He had long, curly, chocolate brown hair, framing his face perfectly. His eyes were deep green and Louis could look at them all day, the smile he wore with so much ease showed his perfect white teeth and the way his plump, pink lips stretched around them.

He was wearing a white button up shirt which was covered by a light brown apron which had the name of the café printed on it in white with a few drawn flowers around it, the apron had a little pocket with a flower, a clematis in this case, indicating that he was supposed to serve their table. The pocket also had the man's name written on it, also in white. The little text wrote "Harry" in and the same elegant type of font as what the name of the café was written in.

Joshua snapped Louis out of his gaze by pushing the purple flower in Louis' face to show him how pretty it was. Louis flinched back with a smile and chuckled, he took the flower from Joshua and placed it back in the vase that it originally was stood in.

"Uh yeah, I would like some coffee and the little man here would like pancakes, I think?" Louis looked down at his son. Joshua nodded excitedly at the question. "Wiv stwawbewies!" He exclaimed happily. Louis smiled at his words. "With strawberries of course." He told Harry.

"Okay great! Is that all?" Harry asked politely.

"Uhm I think I would like some pancakes as well." He smiled up at Harry.

"Coffee, pancakes for two." Harry talked to himself. "With strawberries of course!" He smiled happily. "Coming right up!" Harry said and walked away after smiling down at little Joshua.

Joshua turned his head towards his father and smiled. "He's cute isn't he?" Louis asked his little son, but then he realised it was probably very wrong to talk about that sort of thing with his two year old son so he just hoped Joshua didn't hear it. He didn't, distracted with trying to reach the purple flower to get it out of the vase again.

Louis slightly chuckled and handed his son the flower again, deciding that it was alright since Joshua was being really careful with it. It was like he worshipped the thing.

After about five minutes Harry popped up again with two plates on one arm and a cup of hot coffee in the other. "Here's your coffee, and the pancakes of course." He smiled at the two. The man was pretty cute, he thought to himself, he really liked his blue eyes.

"Thank you so much, Harry." Louis smiled back at him, almost getting lost in Harry's forest green eyes again. He think he's gonna have to go to this café everyday from now on.

"Of course." Harry replied his eyes flickering down at Louis' cup of coffee. "I'll let you guys eat in peace now." He chuckled, before turning around and walking away toward the kitchen again.

Louis smiled softly and maybe really secretly took a peek at Harry's butt while he was walking away from them, I mean who could blame him.

Joshua made grabby hands towards his pancaked as Louis was cutting them up into smaller pieces to make them easier to swallow for the two year old.

When he finally finished the moved the plate closer to Joshua over the table. "Here buddy, eat." He said before digging into his own pancaked while keeping an eyes on Josh to make sure he's not making a too big mess.

Halfway through his pancaked he realised he should probably drink some of his coffee since it would get cold otherwise.

He carefully picked up the cup since it was filled to the rim, and brought it to his lips.

As he was about to put the cup back down again he noticed something on the white saucer which the cup was put on before.

It was a little piece of paper, carefully folded so it would fit under the cup of steaming hot coffee. He picked it off of the white dish and unfolded it, curious as to what was written inside.

He smiled looking down at what was written in neat, pretty handwriting.

********** - xxx Harry:)

(It's supposed to represent a phone number lmao sorry I didn't know what else to put)

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