dating robin arellano HCS

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• you meet when some boys from school were being mean to you and he stuck up for you

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• you meet when some boys from school were being mean to you and he stuck up for you.

• after that you guys became friends and hung out at school ALOT sometimes after school to.

• after awhile he developed a crush on you.

• he asked you to the drive in to watch Texas chainsaw massacre ofc.

• after that you guys started dating.

• hes not very clingy in public but will have his arm around your shoulder or hold your hand.

• overprotective like no-one fucks with you after they know your dating robin.

• will fight anyone who hurts you or bes mean to you.

• cleaning him up after fights.

• your they only other person who can wear his bandana.

• he ripped bait of it off and ties it around your wrist.

• sleepovers all the time.

• when your nervous/sad he lets you play with his hands or draw on them in class if you sit next to him.

• thinks your the cutest person in the world like he's obsessed not in a weird way just admires you.

• so you basically have the cutest little relationship ever.


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