The Talk | Part 34

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Evies POV
Well here's goes nothing. I walk up to Matt's door and knock "yeah?" I hear from inside "hey" I say. He opens the door almost immediately "Evie? Hey" I wave then go sit on his bed. I was about to say something but then he put his finger to my lips. " Evie before you say a word. I want you to know the truth, I'm guessing before you ran in the editing room, you heard what Chris said...but you never heard my reply so what I said to Chris was "no I actually fell in love. I love her" and I just wanted you to know. The first day I saw you when we picked you two up from the airport I was immediately in love and that never changed. I love you and I always will. I'm almost 100% sure why your here. I'm not ready for the break up, but if you want to, I wouldn't blame you I would too if I was in your place." He removed his finger from my lips. I could see he had tears in his eyes. I really wanted to believe him but he has loss all my trust. "Matt, I love you aswell and believe me I want to believe every word you just said, but I can't I really can't. You have lost my trust and you won't get it back no time soon. I don't even know if I'll ever forgive you. I'm so sorry from the bottom of my heart Matt but we have to break up." I can see Matt's litterly at his breaking point. "Can I at least have on last kiss" he say tears now streaming down his face. "Yes" I say softly. He kisses me and I can taste the salt from the tears on his lips. I hug him after the kiss. "I'll miss us Evie" he says in the hug. "I'll miss us too Matt"...

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