Chapter 6

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WITHIN a week, you had all the invitations sent out. You had made several friends in your week in Das Legas, and invited them all to the wedding. Evertthign was ready, and you are standing at the altar before a crowd. 

You look at Michael, your best man, and he 'hee-hee' s at you for encouragement. 

Suddently, you see the beautiful damien walking into0 the satanic church with his beauitiful white dress. Honeastly, you couldn't really tell the cut of the dress because it blended in with his skin and made him look like a fat blob of white. 

He came to the alter and got on his hands and knees so he could face you. The priestess started to speak. 

"Y/n L/n, do you take Damian Pavouk as your lovely wedded wife, through sickness and health, poorness and wealth, shortness and height?" 

Instead of answering, you just cry to get your message across. Touched, the priestess criez along with you, then turn to Damian after 50 minutes of silent crying. Everyone cried, except for Damian. He just grinned, exposing his tranlucent teeth to the crowd.

Next, the pristess said; "Damian PAvouk, do you take Y/n L/n as your lovely wedded wife, through sickness and health, through poorness and wealth, in openness and stealth." The priestess then paused and thought for a m oment, clearly looking for another rhyme. 

Suddently, she grinned. "Through authoritarian goverments and commonwealth." 

At that moment, everybody clapped and laugh. 

"I d-" 

But your lover was suddently interrupted by- that stupid bitch Kisabella!

"Stop Damien, you loved me first!" Kisabella shouted in terror. "I can't believe you are marryking a poor, ugly, stupid, short, unfashionable, ugly, indecisive, always crying, lobsided, zebra stiped ugly hippo like Y/N!" 

Everyone gasped, and you tried to run away and cry. Damian got up and cofusidly looked at Kisabella. 

"What are you talking about, Kisabella?" he gulped. Suddently, his southern accent dissapeared! You weren't sure if that was what made you stop in your tracks. 

"That's right," you say, but noone hears you, because your voice is so petite and frail. 

"What was that?" asks 2pac, who had been intentively listening. 

"That's right," you insist, shouting with all your tiny, coquette lungs. 2pac picks you up and places you on his shoulder. 

You turn to Kisabella. "I may be poor, or short, or unfashionable, or indecisive, or even ugly. B-B-B-B Damien still chose me over a poo coloured haired girl like you. Go home, or I'll drown you."

Yopu were very surprised because you had never spoken so confidently before. Just then, all hell broke loose and Kisabella jumped on you and started to attack you with her claws. Everyone started to fight eachother for fun. Even Alba started fighting Micheal! 

"Everyone, enough!" a black man shouted. 

"Who are you?" Y/n asks, intrigued. 

"Do you not recognise me darling. It's me, Medianem. I've loved you forveer and have resussitated to take you back! Being dead gets a bit boring after awhile. "

"Totally agree, lol," Micheal and 2pac say zimultaneously.

At that, Damian runs out ofn the satanic church. You turn to Medianem, teary eyed, and shout, "You ruined everything, I no longer like you, Medianem. You're all charcoaled up, you can no longer even compare to my Damien." With that you leave and go look for your lover

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