Chapter 115: Ninth Month Of Pregnancy

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It's May 26th and it's Aurora's last ultrasound for her pregnancy.

In Dominic's and Aurora's room, Dominic and Aurora are getting ready for the ultrasound. Dominic is all dressed and he is waiting for Aurora.

Aurora comes out of the bathroom and Aurora is dressed

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Aurora comes out of the bathroom and Aurora is dressed.

Aurora comes out of the bathroom and Aurora is dressed

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Dominic says "You ready? Last one."

Aurora says "Yes."

Dominic and Aurora leave their room and both of them walk through the hallway. Dominic and Aurora walk down the staircase and both of them leave the house.

Dominic and Aurora walk towards Dominic's car and Dominic opens the passenger door for Aurora. Dominic helps Aurora get in the passenger seat and he closes the passenger door.

Dominic walks over to the driver side as Aurora puts her seat belt on. Dominic gets in the driver seat and he starts up his car. Dominic drives off to the hospital.

About Fifteen Minutes Later

Dominic and Aurora arrived at the hospital and Dominic parks his car in the parking lot. Dominic turns off his car and he gets out of his car.

Dominic walks over to the passenger side while Aurora unbuckles her seat belt. Dominic opens the passenger door and he helps Aurora out of his car. Dominic closes the passenger door and he locks his car.

Dominic and Aurora walk towards the hospital and they both enter it. Both of them walk to an elevator and they enter it. Dominic presses the 5th floor button and the elevator doors close.

The elevator takes them up to the 5th floor and they reach it. The elevator doors open and Dominic and Aurora get off of it and they walk towards the front desk. Aurora signs in and her and Dominic both wait in the waiting room.

A few minutes later, a nurse says "Mrs. De Luca. Please, follow me."

Dominic stands up and he helps Aurora onto her feet. Dominic and Aurora follow the nurse to a room. The nurse shows them a room and Dominic and Aurora enter the room.

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