002 || Mall Rats

31 0 0

-12:30 PM-

Jules and Dustin walked into scoops ahoy.

Dustin waited for the couple in front of them and came to the counter once they left.

"Hi!" Dustin greeted.

"Hi," The girl returned the greeting, laying her arms on the counter.

"I'm Dustin, this is Julie, Jules for short." Dustin introduced, then Jules waved at the girl with a small smile.

"I'm Robin." the girl replied.

"Pleasure to meet you, is he here??" Dustin asked, looking behind her.

"Is who here?" Robin questioned before Steve burst through the back door.

"Henderson! Hopper!" Steve shouted excitedly, the trio laughing in excitement.

"He's back! He is back!" Steve repeated.

"You got the job!" Dustin exclaimed, then Jules, smiling excited to see a friend.

"I got the job!" Steve made a trumpet noise while walking behind the counter.

He then went in front of the counter, performing a handshake with Dustin and high-fiving Jules, the three laughing.

"How many children are you friends with?" Robin interrupted, watching the scene as Steve motioned to her to introduce his co-worker.

They all sat down at a table after buying a sundae for Dustin, and a strawberry ice cream cone for Jules.

"No way, hotter than Phoebe Cates?" Steve said, unconvinced.

"Brilliant too, she doesn't even care that my real pearls are still coming in, she said that kissing is better without the teeth," Dustin added, eating his sundae.

He and Jules gave Dustin a weird look, knowing that Suzie definitely lied to make him feel better.

"Wow, yeah that's great," Steve replied, awkwardly. "That's kinda romantic- that's like..wow-"

"Yeah, it's cute!-" Jules added, nervously.

"So do you really just get to eat as much of this as you want?" Dustin asked, amazed.

"Yeah, I mean, sure. It's not really a good idea for me though, I gotta keep in shape for the ladies." He answered before Robin interrupted, "Yeah, and how's that working for you?"

"Ignore her," Steve muttered.

"She seems cool," Dustin said, continuing to eat his sundae, as Jules looked at him wondering how he could eat all of that so easily.

"Yeah, are you two friends?" Jules questioned, finishing her ice cream cone.

"Friends with benefits," Steve told, grabbing another spoon while requesting Dustin to share.

"Right." Jules stood up and ordered another ice cream, then came back to the table.

"Woah, seriously?" Steve said, in the middle of their conversation.

"What happened?" Jules asked, sitting down.

"I'm telling him about the others ditching me. They're gonna regret though, big time, when they don't get to share in my glory." Dustin said, finishing the sundae.

"Oh yeah, I was the only one that stayed," Jules replied, eating her second cone of ice cream.

"Glory? What glory?" Steve questioned, looking at Jules and Dustin.

"Right, you gonna tell him?" She looked at Dustin.

"Sure, so last night, we're trying to get in contact with Suzie..." Dustin began, leaning in closer for to tell the news.

Are We Still Friends? [Dustin Henderson]Where stories live. Discover now