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Harry's POV

I'm boiling. I stare at the screen and sit up groaning loudly not caring if anyone hear. I run my hands through my hair as I stand. I knew everything was too perfect, something would fuck it up eventually I just didn't think it would be this soon. If Skylar know JJ likes her there no way she won't run to him, I'm just the back up guy right. He rich and popular and ten times better looking than me. I grab my phone thinking before I type.

What do you mean? Did she say that?

I feel like I'm going to explode but then I see JJ typing again. I sit on my bed.

No she didn't say much but when we were in my room together I just felt something, and I think she felt it too. I just felt close with her.

Wow bro good for you

Thanks I think I might ask her out tomorrow just as friends tho, I don't want her to know it's a date but it's gonna be a secret date 😏

Well good luck bro


I toss my phone away and sit in the dark in silence before a tear falls down my face.
"She wouldn't do that to me, would she?" I say. I stand and walk into the bathroom turning on the light. I lean against the sink sighing before I look up and she my sad reflection in the mirror. Before I know it I raise my fist and punch the mirror as hard as I can causing it to shatter. The glass quickly falls bouncing in the ground all around me as I stand there. Not a shard of glass is left in the wall. I groan in pain after the last piece of glass falls and grab my hand. Bits of glass are sticking out and the blood drips down my hand quickly dripping into the floor, it really bad. My fist feels like it's on fire. I step to my bed room to grab my phone before I yell cursing loudly as a large piece of glass cuts my foot.
"Bloody fuck!" I yell as I limp to my bed grabbing my phone. I wasn't trying so no need for an emergency car but I did need to go to the ER. I called the one guy I guessed would be up right now cause I saw he just posted on his insta story not long ago. Simon.
I dialed his number before it rang a few times, just as I thought he wouldn't answer I hear his voice on the other end.
"Hello?" He says making me sigh in relief.
"Hey Simon I need your help." I groan as the blood keeps dripping.
"What's wrong?" He asks as I hear him standing sounding worried.
"Please don't freak out but I punched a mirror because I was upset and now the glass is on my hand." He sighs loudly as I hear him whisper to Talia before grabbing his keys.
"Are you bleeding?"
"Yeah quite a bit."
"Bloody hell Harry, why?" I hear the door open and close and the echo of his voice meaning he's in the hallway oh his apartment.
"I was just upset Simon I've been on edge for awhile." I groan loudly remembering that I cut my foot. I went to the bathroom quickly and grabbed a rag wrapping it around my foot.
"Oh yeah I forgot I ask cut my foot when I stepped on the glass." I hear Simon sigh as he closes his car door.
"Ok I'm leaving now I'll be there in about ten minutes, keep pressure on your foot not your hand cause that just gonna push the glass further and don't move. I'll be there ok just wait."
"Ok, thanks man."
"Don't thanks me I'm gonna beat your ass when I get there for being so bloody stupid."
I smile at his words.
"Well I deserve it, love you."
Love you too mate."
I hang up and scroll through my phone as I wait, I was way to calm for a guy who just punched a mirror and stepped in glass. When I hear a knock on my door I stand and limp over to the door cursing under my breath every time I stepped on my bad foot. I open the door and Simon stands there with messy hair and some shorts with a white t shirt.
"Man I'm happy to see you." I joke as he steps in. I close the door behind him and lead him to the couch sitting down.
"I bet you are if I didn't answer you'd probably bleed out." He says sitting next to me. He peels back the cloth and sees my gashed foot dripping. He gasps before the blood leaks into the floor and he re wraps it again tighter.
"Fuck!" I groan. He grabs my hand and looks at the bloody mess with about three pieces of large glass stick from my knuckles and one from my finger.
"Yeah all of these are gonna need stitches. " he grabs my good hand and helps me slinging my arm around his neck.
"Just jump I don't want you walking on that foot." I do as he says jumping to the door with his help. Slowly but surely we make it and he runs to my room to get my wallet, keys, and phone.
"Let's go stupid." He says as he closes the door behind us. I huff as we slowly make it down the hall.
"Who are you calling stupid." I laugh.
"You, you've got glass sticking out of your hand and your foot might just fall off and your jumping down the hallway all because you thought it would be a good idea to punch a mirror." He rolls his eyes as he pushes the button for the elevator, once the door open we hop on and make our way down.
"I didn't think it was a good idea, I just wasn't thinking." I say correcting him.
"Like that is any better." We hop off the elevator and outside to his car. He helps me inside before running to his side. He starts the car as I buckle myself and starts driving to the hospital.
"Why the hospital?" I groan as he punched it into his gps.
"Because it almost one in the morning and they are the only place open that can help, if you decided to punch the mirror at three in the afternoon we could have gone to the ER." He says focusing on the road. I roll my eyes.
"Like I said I wasn't thinking." He shakes his head.
"I just don't get it, what made you so mad that you punched a mirror, I've never seen you act like this." He looks at me as we stop at a red light. It starts to rain a bit and the car is filled with the sound of the rain hitting the glass.
"I'm not gonna tell you so you might as well drop it mate." I say looking out the window as he starts driving again.
"Harry seriously tell me so I can help." He pushes but I shake my head.
"You can't help, no one can." I mutter the last part. Simon pulls over on the side of the road surprising me because we were still ten minutes from the hospital.
"What are you doing?" I ask confused.
"I'm not driving until you tell me." I laugh shaking my head more shocked than anything.
"Your not going to seriously not move until I tell you, I'm bleeding here bro." I say laughing but he's dead serious. He takes the keys turning the car off and looks at me. It's quiet as I realize he's not lying.
"Tell me." He states again.
"I'd rather bleed out here than tell you." He rolls his eyes.
"Stop being dramatic, sometimes you need to talk about your problems with someone to realize a solution." He was right and I knew it. I sigh and turn looking at him. The pain in my fist was alone enough for me to give in.
"If I tell you will you drive?" I ask. He nods.
"Fine." I say. He nods and starts the car again driving. I sigh before starting.
"I like Skylar." I state. I look over and see his body tense a bit surprised surely.
"I didn't see that coming." I is all he said and I nod.
"I know I've been denying myself trying to convince myself it's just a dumb crush or something but it only made it worse, and the more I got to know her the more I got sucked in." I breath. Simon is silent as he listens.
"I invited her today to hang with us because I was gonna ask her out but I chickened out at the last minute, anyways when we were hanging out her and JJ were super close so it ticked me off."
"And then when they went to his room for a bit I lost it and went into the bathroom to think, anyways awhile ago me and her kissed while she was drunk but didn't do anything more, but then again tonight as I was walking her home we had a n amazing make out session right in the street and she told me that she liked me back." I smile remembering what happened. Simon smiles a bit to as he turns.
"Anyways after I dropped her off I headed home and that's when JJ texted me changing my whole mood, he told me he likes Skylar and thought that she liked him too because they were pretty close when they were in his room and he plans on asking her out tomorrow for a secret date." I groan. Simon speaks up for the first time in minutes.
"What do you mean by secret date?" He asks confused.
"He's gonna ask her to hang out as friends so surely she'll say yes and then he'll take her out to dinner and stuff like an actual date so they'll get closer." I explain as Simon shakes his head.
"And of course she'll probably run to him when she thinks he likes her, I mean JJ is way funnier and more handsome than me he's also super rich and popular witch I know s probably love as well." I shake my head finished.
"That's why you punched the mirror?" Simon asks glancing at me. I just nod.
"Why are you thinking do's little of Skylar mate?" He asks. I look at him confused.
"What do you mean?" He shakes his head.
"You said she'll probably run to him, I've known her for only a bit but I know she isn't shallow like that and doesn't care about looks and popularity, and she could care less about money she's got probably ten times as much as all of us do." He explains as I nod.
"Your right mate but JJ is just a better choice overall." I sigh.
"Well she told you she liked you and you guys made out, does that mean nothing to you?"
"It means the world to me but I couldn't tell you for her, she could do that with every guys she meets." Simon rolls his eyes.
"Think what you want mate but it's clear she likes you and even if JJ tells her to her face that he ask likes her I'm sure she'd still stay with you, but what do I know." He pulls up to the hospital and jumps out grabbing a wheel chair before opening the door and helping me in. He rolls me in and ti the desk were he fills out some paper work before I wheeled to the back and helped into a bed by Simon. He sits next to me as I think, I've been quiet since the car just thinking about how right Simon is.

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