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Skylar's POV

Me and Harry were walking in comfortable silence. I could tell something was bothering him but I didn't want to pry.
"That's a nice skateboard." He says. I nod awkwardly.
"Yeah thanks, JJ gave it to me." He nods looking away.
"What did you guys talk about while you were in there?" He asks. He must be jealous and that's why he's in a bad mood I think making me smile that he cares.
"Nothing much just life." He nods as I start to hum. I'm humming one of my songs when he speaks again.
"I love that song." He smiles.
"You know that's my song right." I tease grinning at the fact he listeners to my music. He nods with a cheeky grin.
"I know, your not a bad singer." I roll my eyes laughing.
"Well thanks, I guess." I suddenly feel confident enough to ask him what's wrong so I slow our pace a bit and sigh before starting.
"Are you ok, you seemed a little of today?" I ask. He sighs.
"I am." He states but I shake my head stopping. I grab him arm and he freezes as I feel butterflies in my stomach and I'm sure he does too. I pull him back and look at him.
"You dont have to lie to me, I can tell something is off." He gulps loudly looking at the small distance between us. I notice it to and I'm inclined to lean forwards and kiss him. My breathing hitches as he looks at my lips before looking back up at me.
"I'm jealous." He admits. It seemed as it just slipped from his lips as he jumped a bit startled by the words he just said.
"And why is that." I whisper inching closer.
"Because JJ has been hitting on you and..." he stops himself.
"And?" I ask wanting him to say what I think he's going to.
"And I like you, a lot." He whispered back.
I waste no time closing the space and smashing my lips on his. He seemed shocked at first but then quickly grabs my neck and waist pulling me in as our lips attack each other. His tongue ghosts my lips as I open my mouth.
He pushes me against the brick wall behind us as we hard core make out. I lift one of my legs wrapping it around his waist as I feel his erection against my stomach making me soak my underwear. I moan before I run my fingers through his hair not carrying if anyone saw us at the moment. I begin grinding against him making him moan loudly into the kiss only edging me on more as I quicken the pace.
"Oh god Skylar." He moans grabbing my ass making me moan as well.
"Holy fuck!" Someone yells making me and Harry jump apart shocked. When we pull away we see a girl standing their with a smile on her face.
"I knew you guys were dating, I love you Skylar!" The girl shouts.
"Uh." I say unable to speak. She puts her hand in her pocket fishing for her phone.
"Wait until everyone sees this." She laughs. I look at Harry scared and he grabs my hand before running quickly down the dark ally with me being dragged along.
"Wait!" The girl cries getting her phone out but by the time she got her camera open me and Harry were long gone in the darkness. Once we got to my condo I pulled him inside
"I can't believe she caught us." I said shocked as he nods.
"Damn fans can't let us live our lives ever." He adds.
"I better get back to my place." He says.
"Ok." I say sad that he was leaving after what we just did.
"When will I see you again?" He asks with a smile.
"Eventually probably." I flirt he laughs quietly shaking his head.
"I don't want to wait for eventually." He flirts back making me blush.
"We'll text me when your free and I'll let you know, side note I'm almost always doing nothing." He grins
"Good well I'll see you eventually." He says grabbing the back of my next and kissing my lips again. I kiss him back. This kiss is different from the one we had minutes ago. That was rushed and filled with hunger. While this one was simple and sweet, his lips were so soft and sweet I couldn't get enough of them. But we both slowly pulled away. He still had my chin in his hand.
"Your truly amazing." He whispers making me blush again only making him smirk more.
"Your such a flirt." I mutter. He kisses my temple before releasing my chin. He opens the door and smiles back at me looking over my entire body slowly one last time for tonight. Like he's trying to memorize it so he doesn't forget.
He then steps out closing the door behind him and waking down the steps. I squeal and jump around standing in my dark enter way before running up stairs to my room. I change quickly brushing my teeth before I hop into bed and tweet before shutting the lights off and falling asleep.

Harry's POV

As soon as I was out of her view I punched my fist in the air and jumped.
"Yes!" I shout.
"You did it Harry!" I smile the whole walk home thinking about our kiss and our whole make out season. If only that girl didn't see us who knows what would have happened, maybe I'd be with her right now. The thought made me hard and I groan.
Although I wanted nothing more than to have sex with her I didn't want to yet. I only have had sex with one person before and I think she should know before hand. Also I want it to be perfect not a rushed shag after only a few days of knowing each other, I wanted to take her on dates and shower her in expensive gifts and holding her forever. I wanted her to be my girlfriend maybe one day my wife and the mother of my children way in the future.
"I am the worlds biggest simp." I sigh but still smiling. Because I didn't care. I'd walk across hot coals just to see her smile.
I walked into my apartment building and took the stairs so I could think some more. I knew I had to text her soon but again I didn't want to be clingy. I'd probably do it in a few days, I am pretty booked for the next few days with some videos to film and a photo shoot for the new sidemen vodka.
I slipped my key into the door of my room and shut it behind me I hummed one of Skylar's most popular songs as I hopped in the shower real quick. Once I was out I dried off and put on some black sweatpants before pulling g my phone out to post a mirror pick.
"Sexiest man alive." I captioned it before I posted it. I flew through my stories and saw most of the boys were he with their ladies making me sigh wishing I had someone like that. I noticed Skylar tweeted so I opened the app and refreshed the page.

I haven't been happier than I think I am right now, life is going great at the moment.

I smile at the screen as I get a notification.

Skylar Black liked your post

Skylar Black commented on your photo.

I opened insta to see what she said quickly, extra excited.

Well someone is confident 😏

I smile before responding like I did earlier.

You know it 😝

I shut my phone off and head to bed plugging it in. I'm nothing but smiles as I snuggle into my bed and sigh. And just as I'm going to shut my eyes my phone chimes. Thinking it's Skylar again I smile and roll over picking up my phone off the side table.
Except it's not Skylar it's someone else. I see it's from JJ and open the ext anyways to see what he needs.
And what I see changes my entire mood and makes my smile fall instantly.

Harry I need your help bro. I like Skylar and I'm pretty sure she likes me too.

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