
223 6 1

May 1st,

Los Angeles, California

It's been a few weeks since the situation with Chris and Isis I've been collecting dirt on Isis for my revenge plot I hired a private investergater it didn't take long for me him to find dirt on her.

He gave me a file on her I know everything her criminal record, where she grew up, her parents information hell I know this bitches favorite color. I had everything I needed to ruin this bitch but I knew exactly how I was going to expose this with all the dirt I have her career will be over before it even starts. I warned her so I don't feel bad not even a little bit my next plan is how I am going to get back at my bum ass husband he's been calling me non-stop he even showed up to the house a few times but of course I was not there.

I've been shaking up in an Airbnb for the last few weeks he even tried to show up on set but I already told production to not allow him on the premises. I know he's pissed I blocked him on all social networks and blocked his number from my phone of course he's tried to call me off different numbers and emailing me long ass paragraphs.

He's gonna have to wait til I am ready we aren't doing things on his time and his terms anymore I was on a plan to Sacramento which is one of the stops this week for the tour it didn't take mw long to get there. I had the itinerary I knew the room number and the time she'd be checking in so I went right to the hotel with my files in hand went to her room and knocked on the door.

I covered the peephole and she opened the door her face expression told it all she was not expecting me.

" Aliyah? what are you doing here?" she said.

I let myself " this won't take long" I said looking around.

Isis was puzzled " why are you here?" she asked.

I decided to keep this hoe guessing a little longer and helped myself to the mini bar I took a bottle of water.

" Do you remember our last conversation?" I asked her.

She put her hands across her shoulders in contempt.

" Yes, I remember," she said.

" So, you do know that I warned you if I found out you were throwing yourself at my husband I would ruin you?" I said.

She swallowed " and? so what" she said.

I smiled handed her the files took a drink of water while I watched her read every single detail she had mugshots and warrants from out of state for prostutution all her dirt was there.

She throw the papers on the floor " so, am I suppose to be scared or something?" she asked.

" your real name isn't Isis right? Liani Hyoug isn't it?" I said.

She was officially scared now " are you planning on blackmailing me?"she asked.

" No, I'm just delivering on my promise check your email" I said.

She rushed to find her phone I watched her as I drank the last drop of my water I watched her crumble she cried.

I sent all her dirt to TMZ and she just received the email she's gonna be dropped from the tour indefinelty due to pending charges.

She tried to hide her true identity but she didn't do a very good job at it using other peoples identity I didn't understand how she thought she was gonna get away with it.

" get out!" she screamed.

" gladly" I said leaving.

Isis cried " I didn't fuck him okay you're doing this for no reason" she said.

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